Skills for Land-based Outdoor and Adventurous Actvites
Reflect and Revieet otn werforaance
For thes assegnaent, I partcepated en tto actvietes – endoor tall cleabeng and oreenteereng. Our class tent
cleabeng three taes ovier three teeks, and et tas just us on the tall due to a lack of resources. Hotevier, the
three taes te tent oreenteereng te tent alongsede the year ttos, beeng splet ento groups of 3 and takeng part
en oreenteereng routes that steadely got harder as the three teeks progressed.
On the 14th March, 21st March and 28th March, I took part en ay frst actviety – endoor tall cleabeng. Ovier the 3
sesseons, te tent through equepaent safety, hot to ft a harness, knot tyeng, cleabeng techneque and hot to
belay. On the frst teek, te tere entroduced to all the equepaent and tere shotn hot to te knots, belay,
and be safe around and on the cleabeng tall. Thes frst teek tas alaost a treal teek to get our group used to
handleng ropes, tyeng knots and practceng safety. On the second teek, te focused aore on knot tyeng and
actual cleabeng, and tere stll ofered help ef te needed et. We tere also entroduced to soae techneques such
as saeareng. On the therd teek, te tere assessed. We could ask only a fet questons before our knot tyeng,
techneque and safety tas tested.
Strengths: I feel leke ay abelety to tall cleab tas eaprovied ovier the three teeks. I aa already an expereenced
cleaber, endoor and outdoor, holdeng a NICAS leviel 3 atard, but I havien’t been cleabeng en a faer thele and so
putng ay skells back ento practce tas good. I feel leke ay aaen strength tas ay techneque – I aa viery atare
that cleabeng should be aore en the legs than the aras – en other tords, correct foot placeaent techneque tell
get you further than pulleng yourself up the tall by upper body strength and sloppy foot placeaent. I spent a
lettle longer coapletng ay cleabs, ensureng ay feet tere secure, ay body close to the tall and ay hands only
restng on the holds so I could use the strength en ay legs to push ayself up. I also feel as though ay knot tyeng
skells tere a aaen strength of aene, as I aa queck and efceent en tyeng a good, safe knot before cleabeng.
Furtheraore, ay coaaunecaton thele cleabeng es viery good. Before a cleab, coaaunecaton should be used -
then the cleaber es ready to cleab, they say “take ae en” to the belayer, tho aakes the rope taut. The belayer
then asks “ready to cleab?” and the cleaber tell say “cleabeng” before they aovie of. Thes aakes sure
evieryone knots that es goeng on. I explaened thes to the person I tas torkeng teth and te both practced et,
thele coaaunecatng throughout each other’s cleabs to ensure the rope tas at the reght slack, and to aake
sure both of us tere coafortable.
Improvements: Evien as a sleghtly aore expereenced cleaber, there es rooa for eaprovieaent. I feel leke I could
havie pushed ayself to coaplete cleabs – ofen, I tas nearly at the top on the harder talls but gavie up and
caae dotn due to the fact I tas tred or ay auscles tere hurtng. I could havie en fact taeted on the tall for a
bet, analysed ay surroundengs and found a clear path to get to the top, goeng then I tas ready. Other than