SWOT analysis for football
Strength Weakness
Passing with my strong foot within long distance. Tackling the ball, since my reactions are slow I
Shooting with my strong foot when it comes to accidently catch my opponent’s legs instead.
precision. Long cross, don’t know how much power I need to
Speed, when it comes to beating my opponent down generate, so I over-hit or make a weak pass.
the wing. Overhead pass, I would often be unaware of the
Turning and mobility as I change my speed and opponents from behind and lose possession.
direction inconspicuously to fool the defenders. Lay-up shots were difficult for me, since I didn’t
Controlling the ball, since my timing was on point release the ball in time as I went to shoot, this might
when I had to cushion the ball. imply that I didn’t acquire the correct technique.
Opportunities Threats
Attend extra-curricular football, to develop my It may be costly, football sessions are not always free
weaknesses. and therefore there I might need to pay a fee.
Join a football club, in order to learn new techniques Making it into a Local area can be limited, meaning I
and correct methods. need to go far out additionally.
Practice with experienced athletes or coaches. Playing football every so often may mean that the
Make a monthly training programme, consisting of likelihood of injuries and pulling your muscles may
skills, techniques and methods in order to work on increase.
different stages to develop as a player. Training with other people, there is a chance you
Watch professional clips for guidance. might pick up wrong habits.
SWOT analysis for basketball
Strength Weakness
Speed is my core skill as I have the ability to change Shooting was something I could work on because my
direction quickly. aiming wasn’t on target as I could not express my
Chest passing, since I can provide good level of opposite hand as a guide.
accuracy and power. Tackling was an issue since I would foul a lot because I
Long pass is one of my key traits as I can deliver a would try and charge my opponents recklessly.
pass for my teammate to run on to. Making space, I would not make over-lapping runs so
My dribbling was effective this is because I had a this allowed my opponent to keep track of me easily.
good stance which made it difficult for opponents to Man to man marking, I would constantly block my
intercept. opponents which would result in a foul although I did
apply pressure.
Opportunities Threats
Attend extra-curricular basketball, in order to It can be expensive, the sessions can be too much to
improve as a player overall. pay for.
Join a basketball club, so therefore I can acquire new There may not be a local team around, so the distance
skills and enhance my current abilities. maybe far.
Have training sessions, can make me a lot healthier Travelling, joining a club, attending extra-curricular
and fitter which can consolidate my fitness levels to activities may mean that it can take up some of the
basketball. daily routines and may change your plan.
Movement was my trait as I constantly strived Training every so often, my chances of boredom may
forward, making myself an option to receive a pass. increase and therefore my lack of motivation.