CSTR test most recent|98 Questions
and Answers A+ Graded
Name the bones of the skull - -Parietal x 2, Frontal, Sphenoid, ethmoid,
Occipital, temporal x 2
-What injury would cause Racoon eyes? - -Basal skull fx, Frontal fx
-What are signs of a basal skull fx? - -Frontal - racoon eyes, Middle Fossa -
CSF leak, Posterior - battle signs
-What are diffuse intracranial Injuries? - -Concussion, shear injury, DAI,
Anoxic brain injury
-What are focal intracranial Injuries - -Contusion, Epidural, Subdural,
Intraparenchymal - Focal meaning in one place.
-What symptoms should you look for in head injuries? - -Confusion,
combative, altered cons, obtunded, posturing
-Define decoritate - -Posturing arms folded into chest
-Define decerebrate - -Posturing with limbs extended
-Where can definition of trauma patient be found? - -The Orange Book or
American College of Surgeons: "Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured
-ACS inclusion criteria begins with injury codes and these three criteria? - -
1. Hospital admission;
2. Patient transfer via emergency medical services transport from one
hospital to another hospital; or,
3. Death resulting from the traumatic injury
-What is the trauma registry log? - -The Registry Log contains a listing of
each change, or update to the Registry software. It is to include the specific
changes, software upgrades, and any changes that are made to the user
defined fields, additions and deletions, along with the date of each event.
-What is data presentation format? - -The way that the viewer wishes to
view the result of the data compiled. The format identifies how the data is to
be displayed such as paper, website, dashboard, PowerPoint presentation,
, -What are types of presentation formats? - -Tables and graphics
-What are types of graphic presentation? - -Bar graphs, pie charts, line
graphs, control charts, dashboards, spreadsheets, scatter grams, pareto
chart, radar chart, tree chart
-What does a bar graph show? - -Horizontal or vertical bars proportional to
the values of the data. These are used for quick comparison of information.
-What does a pie chart show? - -Show proportions of a whole or percentage
of a whole.
-What does a line graph show? - -Line connecting data points in a
sequential order to show a trend over time.
-What does a control chart show? - -Used to observe performance by
studying variation over time and monitors if a process is within control or out
of control limits using upper and lower control lines calculated using
standard deviation or sigma values with the center line representing the
overall average.
-What does a dashboard show? - -A compact visual presentation of critical
data, usually at a higher level, to be easily understood at a glance.
-What do spreadsheets show? - -A collection of data in columns and rows
that hold the data detail -- usually produced in an "Excel" type of
-What does a scatter gram show? - -Displays values for two variables
showing the distribution of the values. 12
-What does a pareto chart show? - -A chart showing data from most to least
frequently occurring information from left to right. These are used to clearly
identify higher valued items (e.g., The highest frequency or priority for
-What does a radar chart show? - -Radar Chart - (same as spider gram)
shows the relationship between multiple variables with one or more axis.
-What does a tree chart show? - -(Fishbone diagram) - used to identify all of
the various issues/tasks that go into development of a single outcome.
-How would you present volume? - -Visualized by a bar chart (similar to a
histogram) showing different heights depicting variance from comparative
items or periods of time.