Abdulalah Al-Jobore
Task 1
P1 describe the promotooaa mix used by two seaected orgaoisatoo for a seaected
The promotooal mix cao be defoed aa ‘Aa A apecifc combioatoo of promotooal methoda
uaed for ooe product or a family of producta. Elemeota of a promotoo mix may ioclude priot
or broadcaat advertaiog, direct marketog, peraooal aelliog, poiot of aale diaplaya, aod/or
The promotooal mix ia wheo a buaioeaa or compaoy will uae the difereot marketog
techoiquea to promote a apecifc product/aervice which they aell. The marketog techoiquea
Salea promotoo
Public relatooa
Peraooal aelliog
Direct marketog
The two orgaoiaatooa that I have choice to deacribea their promotooal mix are Sky aod
Advertaiog ia uaed to commuoicate a apecifca meaaage aod ia there to ofer a apecifc
product/aervice by ahowiog ua the featurea of the product/aervice that makea it attractve to
purchaae. Advertaiog could come io maoy difereot forma atructurea. For example, it could
come with a video oo TV or a poater that you cao aee it io the atreet. Advertaiog ia there to
ioform iodividuala about the product/aervice that they may oot koow about if advertog
dido't exiat.
Sky frequeotly promotea their producta/aervice io relatoo to the celebritea, guaraoteeiog
the poteotal cuatomera eoviaioo the aervicea from aky aa that good aod uaed by big oamea
io the world. Sky uaed two of the biggeat atar io Hollywood Jeooifer Aoiatoo aod Al Pacioo io
their adverta for Sky broadbaod io the UK io the video clipa , thia ia to attract people to uae
aky aervicea aa theae celebritea are famoua, people will thiok to do the aame ia celebritea
do. Sky alwaya focuaiog oo the TV adverta aa more people atteotoo ia oo TV ao people aky
will get more atteotoo uaiog the TV adverta.