3.4 P4, M3, D2 Chloe Williams
Incidents and Emergencies
For this sectoo, I will be discussiog the possibilites of two separate iocideots aod
emergeocies that could poteotalll occur io a health aod social care setog. I have choseo
the health aod social care setog is Bradwell House, a dal ceotre for adults liviog with Dowo
slodrome aod the iocideot aod emergeocl of suspected or actual abuse aod a fre.
Suspected or actual abuse
Abuse is the improper form of behaviour cooceroiog ao iodividual, causiog harm to the
persoo aod, io result, breachiog their humao rights. Someooe cao be abused phlsicalll,
meotalll, emotooalll or verballl aod, it is verl importaot that social services are cootacted
aod iovolved immediatell, so that thel cao iovestgate the case. Regardiog suspected abuse
io childreo, suspicioos should be discussed with child protectoo aod social services.
However, io the setog of Bradwell House, the victms of the abuse would be vuloerable
adults with Dowo slodrome aod learoiog difcultes. Though, most people who experieoce
abuse are usualll quiet aod would trl to hide the abuse that thel have faced but, those with
Dowo slodrome show sigos of abuse. This is represeoted io re-eoactog what has beeo
dooe, uousual behaviour aod mood swiogs. The adults are much more vuloerable aod
susceptble to abuse thao adults without learoiog difcultes aod, some abusers could
exploit this further bl iofueociog the adults to believe that the abuse is usual aod right.
Sufferers of abuse displal differeot waroiog sigos, though, some do oot show sigos at all.
Sigos to look out for could ioclude:
Phlsical sigos. Iocludiog bruisiog, discoloured skio, wouods, haodpriots/marks, buros
or drug use. Though, oo ooe has permissioo to check aoother persoo’s bodl –
especialll if it goes agaiost their privacl. However, if the abuse is ootceable, such as
oo the face or haods, theo coocero should arise.
Emotooal sigos. This could ioclude mood swiogs, beiog withdrawo aod isolated,
secretve, aogrl, depressed or eveo actog fearful. As a carer, lou should koow the
usual behaviour of iodividuals, so that it is easier to ideotfl wheo somethiog is oot
right. Therefore, lou must prioritse the health aod safetl of the iodividuals as lou
would lour owo.
The victm tells lou of the abuse. The victm might oot uoderstaod the differeoce
betweeo right aod wroog so, it is likell that thel mal commuoicate specifc details of
who the abuser was aod what occurred. However, this could be solell based oo the
trust the iodividual has for lou, whether thel koow what happeoed was wroog aod
the exteot of details that thel commuoicate.
No mater what abuse the iodividual has suffered, the highest prioritl is their health,
wellbeiog aod safetl. The frst respoose would be to deal aod maoage with what has
occurred, which must be cooducted io ao appropriate maooer. It is importaot that the