Nursing Fundamentals Final Exam BRCC
1 gm - ANS-1000mg
1 kg - ANS-2.2 lbs
1 oz - ANS-30 ml
1 Tbs - ANS-15 ml
1 tsp - ANS-5 ml
1L - ANS-1000mL
1mg - ANS-1000mcg
3 checks of medication administration - ANS-1) when grabbing medication, 2)
comparing physical med to MAR, 3) before giving meds to patient
Abdomen assessment order - ANS-Inspect, Auscultate, palpate
Additive effect - ANS-drugs with similar pharmacologic actions that result in an increase
in the overall effect
ADL's - ANS-Activities of daily living - self care activities like eating, bathing, dressing,
and toileting
Advance directives - ANS-express what a patient wants when they are unable to
express for themselves
adventitious breath sounds - ANS-abnormal breath sounds caused by air moving
through moisture, mucus, or narrowed airways
Adverse drug reactions - ANS-harmful effects caused unintentionally by medications
Aggressive behavior - ANS-Asserting one's rights in a negative, manner, usually marked
by tension and anger and inhibits formation of good relationships
,Airborne precautions - ANS-Place pt in private room with negative air pressure, wear
respirator when entering room, gloves, gown, eye protection/face shield
Allergic effect - ANS-an immune response to medication when its interpreted as a
foreign substance
allocation of scarce resources ethical problems - ANS-short staffing and distributing
nursing care amongst patients
Altruism - ANS-Concern for the welfare and well-being of others - concern for welfare of
patients, other nurses, and other HCP
Anaphylactic reaction - ANS-a life threatening allergic reaction that causes respiratory
distress, severe bronchospasms, and cardiovascular collapse
Antagonistic effect - ANS-combined drugs alter the overall effect of the drugs - less
effective than when taken alone
Anticipatory loss - ANS-when someone is expecting loss and grief that hasn't occurred
Anuria - ANS-24 hour output less than 50mL
Assault - ANS-threat or an attempt to make bodily contact with another person without
Assertive behavior - ANS-standing up for self/others using open, honest, and direct
communication without being passive aggressive
Assessment order - ANS-Everything except abdomen: inspect, palpate, percussion,
Autonomic bladder - ANS-loss of bladder control/ only by reflex due to injury/disease
Autonomy - ANS-right to self determination
Battery - ANS-an assault that is carried out successfully touches another person without
beneficence - ANS-do good; benefit the patient
, Bioavailability - ANS-how much of the medication that reaches systemic circulation and
can act on cells
Braden Scale - ANS-Scores 6-23, reviews sensory perception, moisture, activity level,
mobility, nutrition, and friction/shear (lower number, worse score)
Bronchial breath sounds - ANS-found over larynx and trachea, high pitched, harsh
blowing sounds, longer on expiration
Bronchovesicular breath sounds - ANS-heard over mainstem bronchus (midchest along
sternum), moderate blowing sound equal on inspiration and expiration
Channel - ANS-how the sender sends the message - can be auditory, visual, or
Circadian rhythms - ANS-Factors that repeat in a cycle of time (24 hours) ex: body temp
is usually lower in the morning, highest between 4-8pm
Clear liquid diet - ANS-in prep for bowel surgery/lower endoscopy; only allowed clear
liquids or foods that become fluid at body temp, requires minimal digestion/leaves
minimal residue
Comfort measures only order - ANS-goal of treatment is to keep the patient comfortable
and give a dignified death - no longer appropriate for further life sustaining measures
Communication - ANS-process of exchanging information and generating and
transmitting meanings between two or more people.
Comprehensive health assessment - ANS-broad, usually done when pt enters into a
health system, provides baseline information
Conduction - ANS-Transfer of heat to another object through direct contact (placing an
ice pack on hot body area)
confidentiality ethical problems - ANS-sharing information that may or may not be
Consistent-carb diet - ANS-for type 1/2 DM; diet day to day has same, consistent
amount of carbs