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Unit 21 - Aspects of Contract and Business Law Three Terms and conditions (the case's Information)

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This document is the contract's information that I used, through out the unit 21's course work. Please help yourself if wish to use it. It is also important to be used through the separate document (P1 P2 P3 M1) as this assignment is based on these information. BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Bus...

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See Section 4.1 below for more info.
Terms and
B. Changes to Prices: we may increase Charges for our Outside of
Conditions for using Allowance Services. If we do, we’ll let you know at least one month
in advance if we believe the changes are likely to be of material
the Three Network detriment to you and you regularly use the Outside of Allowance
Services affected. You may be able to end your agreement in these
for Pay Monthly customers circumstances. We may also change or introduce new Charges for
Additional Services or Add-Ons. We’ll publish any changes on our
who joined or upgraded on website. You won’t be able to end your agreement with us in these
or after 29 May 2015. circumstances. See Sections 4.2 – 4.4 and 10.1 below.

C. Our Network: We’ll try to provide you with a great quality Three
Quick Summary Network at all times within our coverage area. However, due to the
Here’s a quick summary of some of the key points that we’d like you to be nature of mobile technology, there may be times when Three
aware of. The full terms of your agreement with Three are below– it’s Services aren’t continuously available or the quality is affected.
important that you read and understand them before you sign up to Three Problems can happen if we’re carrying out maintenance work, if
and start using Three Services. At the end of these Terms we’ve set out you’re outside our coverage area, or if you’re in a tunnel for
definitions of capitalised words used in these Terms. If there is any example. See Sections 5.11 and 5.12 below.
inconsistency between this summary, and the full terms set out below, the
full terms will apply. D. Breaking this Agreement: If you don’t pay your account on time or
we reasonably believe that you haven’t complied with certain terms of
A. Your Minimum Commitment: You agree to stay with us for the Minimum your agreement, we may suspend or disconnect Three Services, but
Term. The minimum price for Three Services provided under this you still must pay all outstanding Charges (including a Cancellation
agreement is the Monthly Charge for the Minimum Term. Each May, your Fee for disconnection). See Sections 9 and 10.3 below.
Monthly Charge will increase by an amount up to the January RPI rate
(published each February), unless you’re on a SIM plan, in which case your E. Ending this Agreement: How you can end your agreement depends
Monthly Charge will remain the same. If the January RPI rate is negative, on whether you’re in your Minimum Term or not, and whether we’ve
there will be no change to your Monthly Charge in the relevant year. We’ve made any changes to you agreement that are likely to affect you.
shown an example in the table below: Please see the below table for a summary of how and when you can
end your agreement.
Monthly Price Monthly Price from May Monthly Price from
until April 2016 2016 to April 2017 May 2017 to April 2018
Price A Price A plus an amount up to Price B plus an amount
the January RPI rate for that up to the January RPI
year (= Price B) rate for that year (= Price
We’ve set out an example below, showing how this would work, if your Monthly
Charge is £25 and the January 2017 RPI rate is 2% and the January 2018 RPI
rate is 1%:
£25.00 £25.00 + up to £0.50 (2% of £25.50 + £0.255 (1% of
£25.00) = £25.50 £25.50) = £25.76

, analysis and direct marketing (subject to your preferences). See Section 13
When you wish to Notice Period What to Do? Charges Payable below.
end your
agreement If you’d like a copy of these Terms in an alternative format (e.g. Braille or
During the Returns Your agreement will Contact Charges for Three large print) please contact Three Customer Services on 333 from your Three
Period (please end when you notify Three Services used. Phone or 0333 300 3333 from a non-Three phone. For more information on
note, if you buy us, or if you have a Customer Three’s accessibility services please see Three.co.uk/accessibility
Device to return to Charges for damage
from a Three Retail Services or for any loss of
us, when we
store, you cannot receive that Device value to the goods, Your Pay Monthly Terms in full
return your device in in accordance as a result of non-
if you change your with the Returns essential use, in 1. Who’s who and what’s what
mind) Policy (whichever is accordance with the 1.1 When we say:
later) Returns Policy. (a) ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’, we mean Hutchison 3G UK Limited, trading as
During your 30 days Contact All outstanding ‘Three’;
Minimum Term Three Charges payable plus (b) ‘you’ or ‘your’, we mean you, our customer whose name appears on
(but outside of any Customer your Cancellation Fee. the Welcome Letter;
Returns Period) Services (c) ‘agreement’, we mean your agreement with us for the supply of Three
Outside of your 30 days Contact All outstanding Services. Section 2.1 explains what terms make up your agreement.
Minimum Term/if Three Charges payable 1.2 We’ve set out at the end of these Terms definitions of the capitalised words
you have no Customer we use in these Terms.
Minimum Term Services
Your agreement will 2. About your agreement
We make a change Contact All outstanding
that, in our end, on your Three Charges payable
2.1 Your agreement is made up of these Terms and your Package (as set out
reasonable opinion, request, before the Customer in our Price Guide), along with any other terms laid down in additional
notified change Three Services. Additional terms may apply to any promotional or special
is likely to be of Services
comes into effect. offers.
material detriment
to you 2.2 Your agreement is personal to you. Unless we give you permission, you
can’t pass your rights or responsibilities to anyone else – even if we give
you more than one SIM or you give your Device to others. It’s your
The Cancellation Fee will be the total of the Monthly Charges remaining during responsibility to make sure the SIMs are only used to access Three
the Minimum Term of your agreement less a discount of: Services as allowed under this agreement.
(i) 3% for new connecting customers who are in the first Minimum Term of 2.3 This agreement doesn’t cover:
their agreement with us; or (a) any products or services you buy while using Three Services; or
(ii) 10% for existing customers who have signed up to a new agreement (b) the supply of your Device.
with us for a further, subsequent Minimum Term. See Section 10.1
below. 3. When your agreement starts
3.1 Your agreement for the provision of Three Services, starts when we
F. Your Information: You agree that we can process your information which we Connect your to Three. By inserting your SIM you’re expressly requesting
collect and / or which you give to us during any sales or registration process, that we provide you with the Three Services. For existing customers who
for a number of purposes, including, but not limited to, opening and have upgraded with us by signing up to a new agreement for a new
managing an account for Three Services, to deliver products and services Minimum Term, your new agreement will start on the day we accept your
ordered by you, for credit checking and fraud prevention, and for product new request for Three Services, unless we agree an alternative date with

, you. (b) relates solely to:
3.2 If you signed up to your new agreement through Three.co.uk or Three (i) Additional Services; or
Telesales or Three Customer Services you may cancel your agreement (ii) Add-on(s) (if applicable to you).
within the Returns Period. If you use Three Services before you cancel In these circumstances you won’t be able to end your agreement but you
you will be charged for them. Please remember that it can take up to 3 will be able to cancel the Add- on(s) or stop using the Additional
months for some international and Premium Services to be applied to your Services; or
bill. Please see our Returns Policy at Three.co.uk/Returns for more (c) is an RPI Change.
information. 4.4 If you carry on using Three Services after any change takes effect, you will
3.3 If your Package has a Minimum Term, you agree to remain Connected to be considered to have accepted the change, and won’t be able to then end
Three for that Minimum Term. the agreement.
You have limited rights to end the agreement during the Minimum Term as
set out in Section 10. If your Package doesn’t have a Minimum Term, or 5. What we’ll provide to you
your Minimum Term has ended, we’ll supply you with Three Services until A Three Phone number and SIM
either of us chooses to end the agreement in any of the ways set out in 5.1 We’ll open an account for you and provide you with a SIM and a Three
Section 10. phone number.
5.2 We own each SIM and each SIM remains our property at all times. You’re
4. Changes to your agreement or prices being allowed to use the SIM by us on a limited licence to allow you to
4.1 Your Monthly Charge will be subject to an annual increase by an amount access Three Services.
up to the RPI Rate. The annual increase will first appear on your May bill. 5.3 Each SIM can only be used in the following Devices:
We will publish the RPI Rate on our website as soon as it’s available. If the (a) which are authorised by us for Connection to the Three Network. If you
RPI Rate is negative, there will be no change to your Monthly Charge. This try to use the SIM in another device, it may damage the Device and
section 4.1 does not apply to SIM Plan customers. affect your usage (including making emergency calls). In these
4.2 We may change any of the terms of your agreement, including our instances, we’re not responsible for any such damage or usage
Packages or prices, on the following basis: problems; and
(a) we’ll let you know at least one month in advance if we decide to: (b) Devices in the Device category the SIM is meant for, so, for example, a
(i) discontinue your Package; or SIM for a Phone cannot be used in a Tablet or Dongle.
(ii) make any changes to your agreement which are (in our reasonable 5.4 Devices which can be used to access Three Services may be locked to our
opinion) likely to be of material detriment to you. You can end the network. The software in the Device and all intellectual property rights in
agreement for such changes as explained in Section 10; that software are owned by the Device manufacturer and you’re being
(b) we may need to change or introduce new Charges in respect of our allowed to use the software on a limited licence from the manufacturer. If
Outside of Allowance Services. If we do, we’ll let you know at least one you want your Device to be unlocked from the Three Network, you can
month in advance unless we believe such changes are not (in our contact us and we can help to arrange for your Device to be unlocked in an
reasonable opinion) likely to be of material detriment to you and you authorised manner (which may include replacing your Device with an
don’t (in our reasonable opinion) regularly use the Outside of Allowance unlocked Device, which is the same or similar specification to your Device).
Services affected; Prior to your Device being unlocked, you must ensure that you back-up or
(c) we may change or introduce new Charges in respect of Additional otherwise store separately any of your information or other data on the
Services or Add-Ons. We’ll publish any changes on our website. If any Device which you may require, as this may be lost during the Device
Add-ons affected have a recurring Charge, we’ll let you know at least unlocking process. We are not responsible for any information or any other
fourteen (14) days before the Charge changes. data which may be lost during the Device unlocking process.
4.3 You won’t be able to end your agreement if any change or increase: 5.5 You can move your existing phone number to Three. First, you need to ask
(a) is due to changes to the law, regulation or licence which affect us – this your previous mobile network operator for your PAC, and then you will need to
includes any increase or change in the rate of VAT or other applicable give your PAC to us. Once we’ve checked the details of your request, we’ll tell
taxes or any new taxes that are introduced; or you the date when your phone number will be moved to Three. If the move is

, delayed and the delay is our fault, you may be entitled to compensation in the emergency services in these circumstances). Emergency service calls
form of a one-off reimbursement of a portion of your Charges. can’t be made using Skype (or certain other voice over IP services) on
5.6 You can move your Three phone number to another mobile network operator. your Phone. If you want to call the emergency services, you will need to
First, you need to ask us for your PAC. Once we’ve checked the details of make a normal voice call from your Phone.
your request, we’ll give you your PAC which must be used within the time (b) If you have difficulties hearing or are speech impaired and you need
specified. Your Three Services will be discontinued once your number has emergency assistance, you can send a text message with details of
been successfully transferred. If you move your Three phone number to your location to 999 or 112. The text will be converted and passed to the
another mobile network operator within your Minimum Term (if you have appropriate emergency service but you will need to register your Phone
one), you must pay us all the Charges you owe, plus any Cancellation Fee before you can use this service. Details on how to do this are available
for your Package. at www.emergencysms.org.uk
(c) If you have a Device, other than a phone, such as a Tablet, which is
Three Services capable of making telephone calls, you may be able to use this to make
5.7 Once you’re Connected to Three we’ll provide you with access to Three free calls to emergency services in the UK by calling 999 or 112,
Services. however your Location Data may not be transmitted to the emergency
5.8 You may also be able to upload and send your own content using Three services in these circumstances.
Services. You grant us an irrevocable, royalty free, perpetual and
worldwide licence to store, transmit or otherwise deal with any content Coverage
you upload on Three Services. 5.11 We’ll always try to make Three Services available to you. However, there
5.9 We: may be areas where you don’t have access to all Three Services or where
(a) may change or withdraw some, or part, of Three Services from time to coverage is otherwise limited or unavailable. For more information about
time. This may be because of changing technologies, obsolescence, coverage see Three.co.uk/coverage
new or different product features, changing content providers or the
need to remove, replace or change content. Depending on the changes Disruption to Three Services
that we make, you may have a right to end this agreement, as explained 5.12 Due to the nature of mobile technology, there may be situations when
in Sections 4.2 – 4.4 and 10.1. Three Services aren’t always available, or the quality is affected and so
(b) may also determine how Three Services are presented and delivered to
we cannot guarantee continuous fault-free service. For example:
the Device or are otherwise made available to you. We can change the
(a) when we need to perform upgrading, maintenance or other work on the
way they are presented, delivered or otherwise made available to you at
Three Network or Three Services;
any time;
(b) when you move outside Three’s 3G or 4G service area while you’re on
(c) will use TrafficSense™ across our network to ensure an enjoyable
a call (in this case calls may end) or using data (in this case, your
internet experience for the vast majority of our customers. For details
connection may be lost);
see Three.co.uk/trafficsense
(c) when you’re in areas not covered by the Three Network. In this case,
Three Services relies on other operators’ networks, over which we have
5.10 Access to the Emergency Services
no control; and
(a) You can make free calls to emergency services from your Phone in the (d) because of other factors outside our control, such as the features or
UK by calling 999 or 112. When you’re outside of Three’s coverage area functionality of your Device, legal or regulatory requirements, lack of
in the UK, your Phone will try to locate another mobile network so that capacity, interruptions to Three Services from other suppliers, faults in
you can try to contact the emergency services (however, neither your other communication networks, the weather or radio interference caused
mobile phone number nor your Location Data will be transmitted to the by hills, tunnels or other physical obstructions.
emergency services in these circumstances). If you need to contact the
emergency services while you’re roaming abroad, you will need to call
6. What you’ll do in return
112 (this number is recognised by most mobile operators worldwide) or
Personal Security
the local emergency services number if different (however, neither your
6.1 As we own the SIM and it remains our property at all times, you must
phone number nor your Location Data will be transmitted to the
ensure that you keep it safe and secure whilst it’s in your possession and

, you must ensure that you’re able to return it to us, if required. We may more details about the rules for use of certain Three Services in order to
charge you for any replacement SIM (as set out in our Price Guide). ensure that:
6.2 You must keep all PINs and passwords secure and confidential. You’re (a) use of Three Services is not excessive;
also responsible for the security of your Device and must make sure that (b) to combat fraud; and
you keep it secure (see the Device manufacturer’s user guide for details (c) where Three Services we offer or may introduce require certain rules to
of how to keep your Device secure). You must also keep any PINs or ensure they can be enjoyed by all our customers.
passwords for any services you access through your Device secure and (d) Any such policy will be available on our website and may be changed
confidential. from time to time
6.3 You should immediately change your PIN or password if you become Responsible use – How you use the Messaging and Storage
aware that someone is accessing Three Services on your account without Services
your permission. 6.9 While using the Messaging Services, you must not send or upload:
(a) anything that is copyright protected, unless you have permission;
Responsible use – How you use the Three Services (b) unsolicited bulk or commercial communications or other unauthorised
6.4 You may only use Three Services: communications, or knowingly send any viruses; or
(a) as set out in this agreement; and (c) anything that is obscene, offensive, abusive, defamatory, menacing,
(b) for your own personal use. This means you must not resell or harassing, threatening or is unlawful in any other way.
commercially exploit any of Three Services or our content. 6.10 We may put limits on the use of certain Three Services, such as
6.5 You mustn’t use Three Services, the SIM or Three phone number or Messaging Services or Storage Services.
allow anyone else to use Three Services, the SIM or Three phone For example, we may limit the size of messages or storage space.
number for illegal or improper uses. For example: 6.11 While we have no obligation to monitor the Messaging Services or
(a) for fraudulent, criminal or other illegal activity; Storage Services, if you exceed our published use limits, or we’re made
(b) in any way which breaches another person’s rights, including aware of any issues with your use of these Three Services (for example,
copyright or other intellectual property rights; if we’re made aware that you’re using Three Services in any of the ways
(c) to copy, store, modify, publish or distribute Three Services or their prohibited in Section 6.8 above) we reserve the right to remove or refuse
content, except where we give you permission; to send or store content on your behalf. You may still be charged for any
(d) to download, send or upload content of an excessive size, quantity or
content which is blocked or removed.
frequency. We’ll contact you if your use is excessive;
(e) in any way which breaches any security or other safeguards or in any
Responsible use – How you use the Age Restricted Services
other way which harms or interferes with the Three Network, the
networks or systems of others or Three Services; or 6.12 If you’re under 18, you’re not allowed to access our Age Restricted
(f) to use or provide to others any directory or details about Three Services. If you’re 18 or over and you access the Age Restricted
customers. Services, you mustn’t show or send content from the Age Restricted
6.6 You must always co-operate with us and follow our reasonable Services to anyone under 18. You must also ensure that you’ve
instructions to ensure the proper use and security of your account. This deactivated any access to Age Restricted Services if you let anyone
includes (but is not limited to) any instructions from us to update the under 18 use your Device.
settings on your Device. 6.13 You accept that we cannot control access to age restricted services
6.7 If anyone makes, or threatens to make, any claim or issue legal obtained over WiFi.
proceedings against you relating to your use of Three Services, you will,
notify us of this immediately and, at our request, immediately stop the Responsible use – How you use the Three Services outside the UK
act or acts complained of. If we ask you to, you must confirm the details 6.14 If you use Three Services from a country outside the UK:
of the claim(s) in writing. (a) your use of Three Services may be subject to laws and regulations that
6.8 We may publish an acceptable use policy and a traffic management apply in that other country, and we’re not responsible for your failure to
comply with those laws or regulations;
policy (you may see this referred to as “TrafficSense™”) which provide

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