Abdulalah Al-Jobore
Unit 13 - Recruitment and Selection in Business
D1 evaluate the usefulness of the documents in the interview pack for a given organisation, in
facilitating the interview process
In this assignment, I will be discussing and evaluating the usefulness of different types of documents
that are required in the process of selection and recruitment. In addition, I will be linking the
evaluation back to how these different type of documents will benefit The Trafford College Group
Job Description
The Trafford College Group will use the Job Description to provide the applicants with the necessary
and relevant information of a Payroll position. It provide a more detailed information about what
does the job looks like which make very useful as they candidates’ question will be easily to find in
the job description. This is because it will enhance the job advert that will be published on internet
by the college website as well as on different requirement agencies such as Indeed, as it will included
details such as the house a candidate may require or the responsibilities. Therefore these type of
relevant information will help TCG to shortlist unsuitable candidates as some people may refuse to
do or behave according to what the job description state, making it much easier for TCG to reduce
the huge amount of applicant they are receiving.
Strengths Weaknesses
The Trafford College Group will be able use the As the job description as quiet detailed and long
job description to come up with question to be documents, it makes the process of selecting and
ask to the candidate during the interview process, interviewing the candidates more complicated. It
as it will give the interviewer a useful material to also helps the candidates as they can predict the
ask question which will help to choose the best interview questions and prepare some proper
possible candidates that will fit the organisation’s answers or tailored their own CV in order to
structure. pretend to be more suitable for the job’s
requirement, which could draw out the naturally
Another benefit of a job description is that before good candidates as some other people might
the candidate applies for the position, they learn misrepresenting themselves.
what responsibilities and level of performance is Another weakness is that the job description tend
expected from them based on the well-written job to typecast an employee. Therefore, it can
description. This is make the interview process severely restrict employees’ initiative to be
effective and efficient as it makes the candidate innovative, and they may do only what is covered
mentally prepared to be held to standard that is by the job description, as innovation could result
made clear to them form the very beginning. in improving procedures and methods.
It also prepare candidates for the interview
question which makes it easier for both
interviewer and the candidate.
Personal Specification
A personal Specification is a very useful and handy documents as it provide the potential job
applicants with the right and essential information, and outline the right information about the type
of person that will be suitable for the job from the point view of the Trafford College Group. It makes
the both the candidate and the college’s management aware of the type of skills, qualifications,
knowledge and personal attributes that are required by the business to perform that tasks they
have been given. Therefore, it helps the candidate to decide whether to apply for that job or not, as
if the applicant feels that they do not fit the personal specification such as attributes and skill