Othello Scene Summary
ACT 1, SCENE 1 – at night, Iago and Roderigo discuss Othello giving the military position to Cassio
instead of him – fuelled by anger and jealousy they seek to make Brabantio aware of Othello marry
Desdemona without his permission through the use of crude and animalistic imagery.
Roderigo “Iago, who hast had Semantic field of puppets shows that Roderigo Appearance vs
(pg5) my purse, as if the is bound to Iago and he has complete control reality, manipulation
strings were thine” over him – manipulation right from the start
Iago (pg7) “I will wear my heart Binary opposition of his honesty (with the Appearance vs
upon my sleeve for idiom) and deception in the last line. reality, manipulation
daws to peck at – I am Religious reference to “I am that I am” when
not what I am” god shows his true face to the Israelites
however Iago subverts this through an inversion
by revealing his manipulating ways and aligning
himself with evil from the start
Iago (pg8) “Look to your house, The possessive pronoun highlights how women Gender, role of
your daughter and are seen as property as well as pairing her women
your bags” alongside assets – shows the position of women
in Elizabethan times.
Iago (pg8) “an old black ram is Binary opposition between Othello and Race, Gender
tupping your white Desdemona in order to highlight their
ewe” differences. Use of derogatory and animalistic
imagery shows Othello as an evil and predatory
figure. In contrast Desdemona is depicted as
innocent and pure – stereotypical view on
Iago (pg9) “making beast with Crude, sexual and animalistic imagery to Appearance vs
two backs” and describe Othello portrays an archaic view on reality, race
“lascivious moor” race as well as undermining Brabantio’s social
standing due to his daughters disrespect.
Othello’s first impression is heard from a third
person perspective and rumours -> end up
being incorrect.
Brabantio “O treason of the Traditionally father is supposed to decide who Gender, role of
(pg11) blood” the women marry therefore by Desdemona women
marrying without his permission, she breaks the
Great Chain of Being.
ACT 1, SCENE 2 – (transitional scene) Iago warns Othello that Brabantio knows about the marriage,
though Othello seems unworried about it and he thinks he can win Brabantio over. Cassio is also
made aware of the marriage. Brabantio accuses Othello of using witchcraft to win over Desdemona.
Othello “my parts, my title and List of three shows Othello’s confidence in Appearance vs
(pg13) my perfect soul” winning over Brabantio, however it could also reality, hamartia,
show his pride – one of his hamartia. This also race
contrasts with Iago’s view on Othello as he is
shown to be the perfect solider.
Iago (pg13) “By Janus, I think no” In Roman religion, he was the god of transitions Foreshadowing
, and presides over beginnings and endings of
war and conflict, foreshadowing the change that
is about to occur
Iago (pg14) “boarded a land Slang for prostitute inferring that Othello is Gender
carack” immoral for sleeping with a whore and
demeaning Desdemona
Brabantio “foul charms, abused Dehumanises Othello by linking him to Race, gender
(pg15) her delicate youth witchcraft and the devil (reflect Renaissance
with drugs” beliefs about the nature of evil) as well as
suggesting no one would willingly marry a moor.
Frames Desdemona as an innocent and pure
Othello “keep up your bright Use of eloquent but commanding language Race
(pg14) swords, for the dew where he doesn’t advocate violence, contrasting
will rust them” predetermined views about race. However, this
changes later in the play when he relies more
heavily on violence. Romantic and poetic
imagery is commonly used by the tragic hero
ACT 1, SCENE 3 – Othello is meeting with the council discussing the war with the Turks, when
Brabantio comes with his grievance again Othello marrying Desdemona. He admits he did marry
Desdemona but wooed her with stories not witchcraft, this is confirmed by Desdemona who stands
up against her father. Roderigo is jealous of Othello’s match but Iago reassures him it will be ok.
Othello (pg9) “noble and approved Uses eloquent and respectful language to flatter Race
good masters” the council, as well as positioning himself as
below them in order to show his respect (self-
deprecating). He speaks in Blank verse
indicating at his nobility
Brabantio “a maiden never bold” Brabantio aligns Desdemona with a traditional Gender
(pg20) Elizabethan women, however this is contrasted
with Desdemona’s actions who disobeys her
Othello “She loved me for the Their difference (race) is what brings them Race, Gender, Love
(pg22) dangers I had passed, together showcasing an unconventional
and I loved her, that relationship. However, does Desdemona love
she did pity them” him because for his exoticness (racist
undertones). Though race brings them together,
it also acts as a barrier and causes Othello’s
Desdemona “divided duty” She both accepts male authority but also Gender, loyalty
(pg22) subverts it as she disobeys her father but is
undyingly loyal to her husband
Brabantio “She has deceived her This foreshadows and plants the seeds of doubt Jealousy, Hamartia
(pg26) father and may thee” within Othello
Duke (pg26) “your son-in-law is far The Elizabethan belief that moor are evil which Race
more fair than black” is subverted by Othello making him seen as not
like his physical appearance
Iago (pg28) “it is merely a lust of Iago’s view of love -> he sees lust as an impulse Love vs lust