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24/8/2 Marie Louise Von “fairy tale language seems to be [the] The book was insightful in understanding This source will be helpful to use in
2 Franz, international language of all mankind---of the origins of fairy tales and setting up a my introduction when defining key
Interpretations of all ages and of all races and cultures.” foundation for my study. The limitation terms such as fairy tale, folk tale as
Fairy Tales, From this source, I learnt background is that it is a translated work, meaning well as identifying the origins.
(Boston: information on the origins of fairy tale some of the original intention could have
Shambala, which will help me set up the basis of my been lost in translation, despite this I will
Random House, essay. In the introduction it will be still use this source in my introduction as
1996). important to acknowledge how the it is able to highlight the importance of
circulation has changed over time. These fairy tales for human development. She
stories were originally folk tales only told is also a psychologist meaning her
orally, however the brothers grimm wrote research is likely to be well conducted.
them down to save them from being lost as The only limitation to this resource is the
literature became more common. date in which it was published, however
it is frequently cited by others in the
same field of study.
27/8/2 Marcia R. “the best-known stories…those that Disney This weakness of this resource is the The essay will be useful when
2 Leiberman, has popularized, have affected masses of publication date. As it was written in concluding my argument with the
“’Some Day My children in our culture. Cinderella, the 1972, it was unable to acknowledge the overall changes and impacts the
Prince Will Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White are positive changes Disney is making to portrayal of female characters has
Come’: Female mythic figures who have replaced the old fairy tales to encourage inclusivity, such in the present day. I will use it
Acculturation Greek and Norse gods, goddesses, and as casting a black female to play Ariel in when concluding to link all my
through the Fairy heroes for most children.” an upcoming “The Little Mermaid” arguments together.
Tale,” College This essay was extremely helpful in aiding adaptation. Recently, the writer of tis
English 34. no. 3 with my understanding of the effects that article was expelled by the board of
(Dec., 1972): fairy tales have on child development and directors at Amnesty International for
the superficial values gender roles can speaking out against a policy on the
perpetuate. decriminalization of sex work, however
, she is still a professor of english meaning
there is validity to her research.
30/8/2 Lori Grauholz and “as women gain greater social status and This was a very useful piece of literature I will use this article throughout
2 Lori-Baker independence, reliance on normative as it is one of the first ones, I have read my write up, especially in my
Sperry, “The controls become more important to which do not solely focus on the faults of sections on female beauty. They
Pervasiveness maintain gender inequality at structural corporate companies such as Disney. It focus specifically on the brothers
and Persistence and interpersonal levels.” also has a very strong purpose as it is a grimm which is a key area of study
of the Feminine In their work, they claim that the beauty psychological study on the impact of in my project.
Beauty Ideal in ideals and standards of today are fairy tales in perpetuating gender
Children’s Fairy perpetuated and indoctrinated in the stereotypes for children. Unlike other
Tales,” Gender original fairy tales written by writers such academic articles I have read, it has a
and Society 17, as the Grimm’s brothers. clear purpose and a goal that it sets out
no. 5, (October “In an analysis of three hundred tales 94% to achieve. Both writers have PhDs and
2003) of the tales referred to physical are lecturers in women’s studies
appearance” meaning they have sufficient academic
14/9/2 Kay Stone, “Heroines are not allowed any defects nor Similarly to the article written by Marcia This will be extremely useful when
2 “Things Walt are they required to develop since they are Leiberman, it is slightly outdated and looking at the present day section
Disney Never already perfect” therefore fails to acknowledge the of my project, however I may find
Told Us,” in. recent works of disney. It is a piece taken future articles which support my
Women and This study perfectly encapsulated the idea from the american folklore society, a points better as I have chosen not
Folklore, by Clare of the unrealistic standards that have been non-profit organisation aiming to to focus too heavily on Disney.
R. Ferrer (Texas placed upon women in original fairy tales, encourage research into the topic of
Press, 1975) that limit them from being anything other folklore, therefore the article is likely to
than obedient. This was seen in snow white be objective as it has not received any
where she was born perfect which made funding.
her the source of immense jealousy
However it could be argued Andersen
strays away from these views as he
presents Ariel, who feels she is defunct due
to not having legs and therefore changes