Writing Law Essays Seminar
G - Well researched, range of scholars and opinions, well presented with headings and
paragraph numbers, largely descriptive, limited development of ideas
L - Some research done but most seemed like it has only come from lectures and textbooks,
limited further reading, hardly any of the writer’s own opinions
K - Lots of clear research from a vast range of sources, clear argument and range of sources,
clear argument and range of interpretations considered
I - Some clear research has been done from a range of sources, clear arguments maintained
M - Well researched, wide range of scholars and opinions, argument maintained throughout,
often quite descriptive
G - Limited punctuation, lack of full stops, well structured introduction, main body and
conclusion which are clearly labelled and numbers, conclusion needs to be select and outline
which for arguments will be used, bullet points not proper paragraphs
L - Good use of subheadings and clear introduction, main body and conclusion, some
paragraphs are very unplanned
I - Clear introduction, main body and conclusion, good use of subheadings
K - Clear introduction, main body and conclusion, good use of subheadings
M - Clear introduction, main body and conclusion, limited punctuation, sometimes capital
letters are not being used at the start of sentences
G - Well referenced, although references needed for Acts and reports on first page
L - Well referenced but some references spelt wrong
K - All correctly referenced
I - Sometimes references are in the wrong place
M - All correctly referenced
G - Wide range of reading including journal articles, Acts, and reports
L - Often wider reading is simply mentioned and not discussed or explored in any depth, range
of Acts, textbooks, cases, and statistics, but no journal articles offering scholarly opinions
K - A very wide range of reading and research including websites, journal articles, and Acts,
diverse range of scholars
I - A wide range of reading and research including websites, journal articles, and Acts
M - Range of reading including Acts, journal articles, and websites