Oregon Barber License (practice
test for board exam)
Cuticle - -Outer most layer of the hair. It consists of a single, overlapping
layer of transparent, scale-like cells that resemble shingles on a roof. It
protects the inner cortex layer and contributes to 20% of overall strength of
The Cortex - -The middle layer of the hair. A fibrous protein core formed by
elongated cells containing melanin to pigment. Gives hair majority of its
strength and elasticity. A healthy Cortex contributes to %80 to the overall
strength of the hair. Contains melanin that determines hair color.
The Medulla - -The innermost layer of hair. Sometimes absent from hair and
doesn't play a role in hair coloring. composed of round cells.
Texture - -The diameter of an individual hair.
Density - -The number of hairs per square inch.
Porosity - -The hairs ability to absorb moisture.
Low porosity - -The cuticle is tight. The hair is resistant (difficult for moisture
or chemicals to penetrate. Thus, it requires longer processing time.
Average porosity - -The cuticle is slightly raised. Hair is normal and
processes in an average amount of time.
High porosity - -The cuticle is lifted. The hair is overly porous and takes color
quickly (also fades quickly) Permed, colored, chemically relaxed and
straightened hair will have a high degree of porosity.
Mixed melanin - -A combination of natural hair color that contain both
pheomelanin and eumelanin.
Basal cell cercinoma - -Most common and least severe type of skin cancer;
often characterized by light or pearly nodules.
Bromhidrosis - -Foul-smelling perspiration, usually noticeable in the armpits
and the feet that is caused by Bacteria.
Bulla (plural bullae - -Large blister containing a watery fluid; similar to
vesicle but larger.
,Chloasma - -Aka-Liver Spots; condition characterized by hyperpigmentation
on the skin in spots that are not elevated.
Closed Comedo - -Aka-White head; hair follicle is closed and not exposed to
the environment. Sebum remains a white or cream color and comedone
appears as a small bump just under the skin surface.
Conjunctivitis - -Aka-Pink eye; common bacterial infection of the eyes.
Extremely contagious.
Contact dermatitis - -An inflammation of the skin caused by Having contact
with certain chemicals or substances. Many that are used in cosmetology.
Crust - -Dead cells form over a wound or blemish while it's healing; an
accumulation of sebum and pus, sometimes mixed with epidermal material.
Cyst - -Closed, abnormally developed that contains fluid, pus, semifluid, or
morbid matter above or below the skin.
Hair Root - -The part of the hair located below the surface of the Epidermis.
(outer layer of the skin).
Hair Shaft - -The portion of hair that projects above the Epidermis.
Dermatitis - -Inflammatory condition of the skin.
Hair Follicle - -The tube-like depression or pocket in the skin or scalp that
contains the hair root.
Hair bulb - -The lowest part of the hair strand. The thickened. Club-shaped
structure that forms the lower part if the hair root.
Arrector pili muscle - -The small, involuntary muscle in the base of the hair
follicle. (The reason for goose bumps).
Dermal papilla - -A small cone-shaped elevation located at the base of the
hair follicle that fits into the hair bulb. (Plural: dermal papillae)
Dyschromias - -Abnormal colorations of the skin that accompany many skin
disorders and systemic disorders.
Eczyma - -An inflammatory, uncomfortable, and often chronic disease of the
skin characterized by moderate to severe inflammation, scaling and
sometimes severe itching.
Excoriation - -Skin sore or abrasion produced by scratching or scraping.
,Extrinsic Factors - -Primarily environmental factors that contribute to aging
and the appearance of aging.
Sebaceous glands - -Oil glands in the skin and scalp that secrete sebum .
Keratinization - -Process of creating keratin protein. A non-living fiber.
Fissure - -A crack in the skin that penetrates the dermis. Example severely
cracked hands/lips.
COHNS elements - -The major elements that make up human hair are :
Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Sulfur
Amino acids - -Units that are joined together end to end like pop beads
creating long chains of protein .
Peptide bond - -A strong chemical bond that joins amino acids also known as
an "end bond".
Proteins - -Long, coiled complex polypeptides made of amino acids.
Polypeptide chain - -A long chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds.
Hydrogen bond - -A weak, physical, cross-linking side bond easily broken By
water or heat.
Salt Bond - -A weak physical cross link bond between adjacent polypeptide
chains. They depend on pH so they're easily broken by strong alkaline or
acidic solutions.
Disulfide Bond - -A strong, chemical side bond that is different from the
physical side bond of a Hydrogen or salt bond.
Wave Pattern - -The shape of the hair strand. Can be described as straight,
curly, extremely curly.
Vellus hair - -Aka-"lanugo hair* is short, fine, unpigmented and downy hair
that appears on the body.
Terminal Hair - -Long, coarse, pigmented hair found on the scalp, legs, arms,
and bodies of males and females. Coarser than vellus hair.
Anagen Phase - -Aka-"Growth Phase" where new hair is produced.
, Catagen Phase - -The brief transition period between the growth and resting
phases of a hair follicle.
Telogen Phase - -Aka-"Resting Phase"-the final phase in the hair cycle and
lasts until the fully grown hair is shed.
Androgenic alopecia - -Aka-"Androgenetic Alopecia - is hair loss
characterized by miniaturization of terminal Hair that is converted into vellus
hair. Usually the result of genetics, age, or hormonal changes.
Free radicals - -Unstable molecules that cause biochemical aging, especially
wrinkling and sagging of the skin.
Alopecia areata - -An autoimmune disorder that causes the affected hair
follicles to be mistakenly attacked by a person's own immune system.
Postpartum aloepcia - -A temporary hair loss experienced At the end of
Alopecia totalis - -This hair disorder usually begins with one or more small,
round, smooth bald patches and can progress to total scalp hair loss .
Alopecia universalis - -Complete body hair loss .
Minoxidil/ Finasteride - -The only two hair loss treatments said to counter
hair loss and approved by the FDA to sale in the USA.
Canities - -Technical term for gray hair.
Ringed hair - -Is a variety of canities, characterized by alternating bands of
gray and pigmented hair throughout the length of the hair strand.
Hypertrichosis - -Aka-"Hirsutism"- A condition of abnormal growth of hair.
Characterized by the growth of terminal Hair in areas of the body that
normally grows vellus hair.
Trichoptilosis - -The technical term for split ends.
Trichorrhexis nodosa - -Technical term for knotted Hair. Characterized by
brittleness and the formation of nodular dwellings along the hair shaft.
Monilethrix - -Technical term for beaded hair. The hair breaks easily
between the beads or nodes.
Fragilitas crinium - -Technical term for brittle hair.