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Pharmacology A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach 11e TEST BANK (2024)
Nursing pharmacology
Nursing Pharmacology
Pharmacology A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach 11e TEST BANK (2024)
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Book Title: Study Guide for Pharmacology
Author(s): Linda E. McCuistion, Kathleen DiMaggio, RN, MSN, Kathleen Vuljoin DiMaggio, Mary Beth Winton, Jennifer J. Yeager
Edition: 2022
ISBN: 9780323826792
Edition: Unknown
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Test Bank Pharmacology A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach, 11th Edition By Linda E. Mccuistion Chapter 1-58 Questions And Correct Answers Graded A+ 2025
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TEST BANK Pharmacology: A Patient-Centered Nursing Process Approach 11th Edition.
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,Chapter j01: jThe jNursing jProcess jand jPatient-Centered jCare
McCuistion: jPharmacology: jA jPatient-Centered jNursing jProcess jApproach, j11th jEdition
1. All jof jthe jfollowing jwould jbe jconsidered jsubjective jdata, jEXCEPT:
a. Patient-reported jhealth jhistory
b. Patient-reported jsigns jand jsymptoms jof jtheir jillness
c. Financial jbarriers jreported jby jthe jpatient‘s jcaregiver
d. Vital jsigns jobtained jfrom jthe jmedical jrecord
ANS: j D
Subjective jdata jis jbased jon jwhat jpatients jor jfamily jmembers jcommunicate jto jthe jnurse.
jPatient- jreported jhealth jhistory, jsigns jand jsymptoms, jand jcaregiver jreported jfinancial jbarriers
jwould jbe jconsidered jsubjective jdata. jVital jsigns jobtained jfrom jthe jmedical jrecord jwould jbe
jconsidered jobjective jdata.
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jUnderstanding j(Comprehension) TOP: j Nursing jProcess:
jPlanning jMSC: j NCLEX: jManagement jof jClient jCare
2. The jnurse jis jusing jdata jcollected jto jdefine ja jset jof jinterventions jto jachieve jthe jmost
jdesirable joutcomes. jWhich jof jthe jfollowing jsteps jis jthe jnurse japplying?
a. Recognizing jcues j(assessment)
b. Analyze jcues j& jprioritize jhypothesis j(analysis)
c. Generate jsolutions j(planning)
d. Take jaction j(nursing jinterventions)
ANS: j C
When jgenerating jsolutions j(planning), jthe jnurse jidentifies jexpected joutcomes jand juses jthe
jpatient‘s jproblem(s) jto jdefine ja jset jof jinterventions jto jachieve jthe jmost jdesirable joutcomes.
jRecognizing jcues j(assessment) jinvolves jthe jgathering jof jcues j(information) jfrom jthe jpatient
jabout jtheir jhealth jand jlifestyle jpractices, jwhich jare jimportant jfacts jthat jaid jthe jnurse jin
jmaking jclinical jcare jdecisions. jPrioritizing jhypothesis jis jused jto jorganize jand jrank jthe jpatient
jproblem(s) jidentified. jFinally, jtaking jaction jinvolves jimplementation jof jnursing jinterventions
jto jaccomplish jthe jexpected joutcomes.
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jUnderstanding
j(Comprehension) jTOP: j Nursing jProcess: jNursing
MSC: j NCLEX: jManagement jof jClient jCare
3. A j5-year-old jchild jwith jtype j1 jdiabetes jmellitus jhas jhad jrepeated jhospitalizations jfor jepisodes
jof jhyperglycemia. jThe jparents jtell jthe jnurse jthat jthey jcan‘t jkeep jtrack jof jeverything jthat jhas
jto jbe jdone jto jcare jfor jtheir jchild. jThe jnurse jreviews jmedications, jdiet, jand jsymptom
jmanagement jwith jthe jparents jand jdraws jup ja jdaily jchecklist jfor jthe jfamily jto juse. jThese
jactivities jare jcompleted jin jwhich jstep jof jthe jnursing jprocess?
a. Recognizing jcues j(assessment)
b. Analyze jcues j& jprioritize jhypothesis j(analysis)
, c. Generate jsolutions j(planning)
d. Take jaction j(nursing jinterventions)
ANS: j D
Taking jaction jthrough jnursing jinterventions jis jwhere jthe jnurse jprovides jpatient jhealth
jteaching, jdrug jadministration, jpatient jcare, jand jother jinterventions jnecessary jto jassist jthe
jpatient jin jaccomplishing jexpected joutcomes.
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jUnderstanding
j(Comprehension) jTOP: j Nursing jProcess: jNursing
MSC: j NCLEX: jManagement jof jClient jCare
4. The jnurse jis jpreparing jto jadminister ja jmedication jand jreviews jthe jpatient‘s jchart jfor
jdrug jallergies, jserum jcreatinine, jand jblood jurea jnitrogen j(BUN) jlevels. jThe jnurse‘s
jactions jare jreflective jof jwhich jof jthe jfollowing?
a. Recognizing jcues j(assessment)
b. Analyze jcues j& jprioritize jhypothesis j(analysis)
c. Take jaction j(nursing jinterventions)
d. Generate jsolutions j(planning)
ANS: j A
Recognizing jcues j(assessment) jinvolves jgathering jsubjective jand jobjective jinformation jabout
jthe jpatient jand jthe jmedication. jLaboratory jvalues jfrom jthe jpatient‘s jchart jwould jbe
jconsidered jcollection jof jobjective jdata.
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jUnderstanding j(Comprehension)
TOP: j Nursing jProcess: jAssessment MSC: j NCLEX: jManagement jof jClient jCare
5. Which jof jthe jfollowing jwould jbe jcorrectly jcategorized jas jobjective jdata?
a. A jlist jof jherbal jsupplements jregularly jused jprovided jby jthe jpatient.
b. Lab jvalues jassociated jwith jthe jdrugs jthe jpatient jis jtaking.
c. The jages jand jrelationship jof jall jhousehold jmembers jto jthe jpatient.
d. Usual jdietary jpatterns jand jfood jintake.
ANS: j B
Objective jdata jare jmeasured jand jdetected jby janother jperson jand jwould jinclude jlab jvalues. jThe
jother jexamples jare jsubjective jdata.
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jUnderstanding j(Comprehension)
TOP: j Nursing jProcess: jAssessment MSC: j NCLEX: jManagement jof jClient jCare
6. The jnurse jreviews ja jpatient‘s jdatabase jand jlearns jthat jthe jpatient jlives jalone, jis jforgetful,
jand jdoes jnot jhave jan jestablished jroutine. jThe jpatient jwill jbe jsent jhome jwith jthree jnew
jmedications jto jbe jtaken jat jdifferent jtimes jof jthe jday. jThe jnurse jdevelops ja jdaily jmedication
jchart jand jenlists ja jfamily jmember jto jput jthe jpatient‘s jpills jin ja jpill jorganizer. jThis jis jan
jexample jof jwhich jelement jof jthe jnursing jprocess?
a. Recognizing jcues j(assessment)
b. Analyze jcues j& jprioritize jhypothesis j(analysis)
c. Take jaction j(nursing jinterventions)
, d. Generate jsolutions j(planning)
ANS: j C
Taking jaction j(nursing jinterventions) jinvolves jeducation jand jpatient jcare jin jorder jto jassist jthe
jpatient jto jaccomplish jthe jgoals jof jtreatment.
DIF: Cognitive jLevel: jApplying
j(Application) jTOP: jNursing jProcess: jNursing
jIntervention jMSC: j NCLEX: jManagement jof
jClient jCare
7. A jpatient jwho jis jhospitalized jfor jchronic jobstructive jpulmonary jdisease j(COPD) jwants jto jgo
jhome. jThe jnurse jand jthe jpatient jdiscuss jthe jpatient‘s jsituation jand jdecide jthat jthe jpatient jmay
jgo jhome jwhen jable jto jperform jself-care jwithout jdyspnea jand jhypoxia. jThis jis jan jexample jof
jwhich jphase jof jthe jnursing jprocess?
a. Recognizing jcues j(assessment)
b. Analyze jcues j& jprioritize jhypothesis j(analysis)
c. Take jaction j(nursing jinterventions)
d. Generate jsolutions j(planning)
ANS: j D
Generating jsolutions j(planning) jinvolves jdefining ja jset jof jinterventions jto jachieve jthe
jmost jdesirable joutcomes, jwhich, jfor jthis jpatient, jmeans jbeing jable jto jperform jself-care
jactivities jwithout jdyspnea jand jhypoxia.
DIF: j Cognitive jLevel: jUnderstanding j(Comprehension) TOP: jNursing jProcess: jPlanning
jMSC: j NCLEX: jManagement jof jClient jCare
8. A jpatient jwill jbe jsent jhome jwith ja jmetered-dose jinhaler, jand jthe jnurse jis jproviding
jteaching. jWhich jis ja jcorrectly jwritten jexpected joutcome jfor jthis jprocess?
a. The jnurse jwill jdemonstrate jthe jcorrect juse jof ja jmetered-dose jinhaler jto jthe jpatient.
b. The jnurse jwill jteach jthe jpatient jhow jto jadminister jmedication jwith ja jmetered-
dose jinhaler.
c. The jpatient jwill jknow jhow jto jself-administer jthe jmedication jusing jthe
jmetered- jdose jinhaler.
d. The jpatient jwill jindependently jadminister jthe jmedication jusing jthe jmetered-
dose jinhaler jat jthe jend jof jthe jsession.
ANS: j D
Expected joutcomes jmust jbe jpatient-centered jand jclearly jstate jthe joutcome jwith ja
jreasonable jdeadline jand jshould jidentify jcomponents jfor jevaluation.
DIF: j Cognitive jLevel: jApplying j(Application) TOP: jNursing jProcess: jPlanning
jMSC: j NCLEX: jManagement jof jClient jCare
9. The jnurse jis jgenerating jsolutions j(planning) jfor ja jpatient jwho jhas jchronic jlung jdisease jand
jhypoxia. jThe jpatient jhas jbeen jadmitted jfor jincreased joxygen jneeds jabove ja jbaseline jof j2
jL/min. jThe jnurse jgenerates jan jexpected joutcomes jstating, j―The jpatient jwill jhave joxygen
jsaturations jof
>95% jon jroom jair jat jthe jtime jof jdischarge jfrom jthe jhospital.‖ jWhat jis jwrong jwith jthis jgoal?
a. It jcannot jbe jevaluated.