Sadia Hussain Unit 26
Lot of different software is used for producing information and carrying out business activities. For example, spreadsheets are used for financial information such
as data and creating charts and graphs, it is the most appropriate for business information cash flow. Word processor is used for processing words, such as annual
business reports, profit and loss account etc. publisher is used for creating promotional materials such as flyers and brochures and email is used for sending
electronic messages from one device to another.
Type of Features Information produced Benefits to the organisation
Spreadsheet There are a few different programs in which Spreadsheets can be used to produce many Spreadsheets can benefit Tesco in many ways.
s companies can use spreadsheets, however different types of information. One purpose of It can help Tesco to track their revenue and
the most popular and most effective one is spreadsheets in a business is that they can use spending. By keeping track of the money
Microsoft excel. A spreadsheet is an them to create charts for analysis, such as pie going in and out, Tesco can make sure that
electronic file that is made up from columns charts and bar charts. For example, in Tesco, if the there is not too much money going out of the
and rows. These rows are labelled with marketing department conduct a survey asking business, and make sure that they are hitting
numbers and the columns are labelled with their customers on their experience of online their goals. Spreadsheet allows the financial
letters. These columns and rows create shopping on Tesco’s website, the marketing department to carry out their tasks much
grids, each square is called a cell, in which a department can present the results of the survey to quickly. Spreadsheets allows a faster
number or text can be entered. It helps sort the management using graphs created on calculation process, this will help save time for
out numerical data, such as income and spreadsheets. These graphs then can be used to Tesco’s employees, and they will have time to
expenses of a company. It is designed to analyse and make important decisions. The main carry out other tasks. Formulas for automatic
help arrange the data easily and calculate. purpose of spreadsheets for a business is to calculation also will help prevent mistakes and
One of the features of spreadsheets is the produce financial information, such as cash flow, errors. Most programs for spreadsheets, such
formulas; the user can use many different plan budgets, record income and expenditure and as Microsoft excel and google sheets are free
formulas for automatic calculation. “A other chart data. For example, in Tesco, the finance to use, so Tesco does not need to spend too
formula is an expression which calculates department would need to use spreadsheets to much money purchasing any applications.
the value of a cell. Functions are predefined produce a cash flow forecast showing the income Spreadsheets can help Tesco to show
formulas and are already available in Excel.” and expenditure, as the spreadsheets will allow the numerical data in visual formats, presenting
The user just needs to enter specific employees to enter the figures, and it will also choosing from various types of graphs and
symbols and the programme will come up automatically calculate for them. Tesco uses charts. This can help the employees within