Sanaa Anjam
Balbinder – assignment 3
Radiopharmaceuticals and the Gamma Camera
Task 1
TC-99M Generator:
Tc-99m half life is 6 hours, this makes the storage impossible and would also make
transport incredibly expensive
Therefore, its parent nuclide, Mo-99 is supplied to different hospitals. This is after its
extraction from the neutron irradiated uranium targets
It is then shipped by companies who specialise in radiopharmaceuticals, this is in the
form of Tc-99m generators
The generators are devices which are designed to provide radiation shielding for
transport, and to also minimise the extraction work done at the medical facility
These Tc-99m generators’ output declines with time and therefore must be replaced
weekly, since the half life of Mo-99 is still only 66hours.
Lead shields operators from gamma (Tc) and beta- (Mo)
Vial is evacuated, therefore atmospheric pressure will then force saline through the
B. Quality control of radiopharmaceuticals is necessary for two separate but linked reasons
as they relate to pharmaceutical parameters and radioactive parameters:
1. Pharmaceutical parameters is designed to ensure that no microbiological, pyrogenic
or contamination can harm the patient.
2. Radioactive parameter is designed to make sure that the intended radiation
exposure of patients is kept to an absolute minimum by making sure that the
radioactivity, radiochemical and radionuclides purities are assured and checked. These
additional factors therefore have an effect on the overall radiation dose towards the
patient, as the impurities of the radionuclide and/or its chemical composition could
affect the biodistribution of the injected radiopharmaceutical and therefore consequently