Evaluate urban policy and regeneration in Britain since
1979 (20 marks)
Introduction- definition of urban regeneration- give an answer/ idea of where to
Property led regeneration- 1980s- evaluate- pros and cons
Public private partnership- 1990s- evaluate- pros and cons
New deal for communities- 2000s- evaluate- pros and cons
Go into the 3
a) Property led- end with problems (no accountability/locals involved, all
economy) and how next scheme adapted
b) Public/private partnership/ city challenge- end with problems (all same,
not based on need and how next solved)
c) NDC- end with problems, almost too social not attend to economics and
future wealth via schooling
Urban regeneration is a long-term process which involves economic, social and
physical redevelopment to reverse urban decline. Additionally, it can also involve
the creation of communities that are sustainable. In Britain, there are 3 main
urban regeneration schemes and so under this comes property led regeneration
in the 19080s, public private partnerships in 1990s and NDC’s – New Deal for
Communities in the 2000s.
Property led regeneration, involves the regeneration of urban areas and the
theory is if you improve property of an area this should trigger urban economic
growth and social improvement. UDC’s were created to regenerate inner city
areas as they were given planning approval to encourage money on the purchase
of land, building of infrastructure and financial incentives. The intention was for
this private investment to be 5 times greater than public money invested. For
example, The London Docklands Investment scheme achieved several methods of
regeneration as 1,884 acres of derelict land were reclaimed, £7.7 billion of
private sector investment took place and £1.86 billion of public sector
investment. Economically, there is 85,000 who work there which compares to
27000 in 1981 and 2,700 businesses trade. Socially, there has been 24,046 new
homes built, there is new shopping facilities, a national indoor sports centre and
a contribution to 5 new health centres and funding to schooling. Affecting the
environment as well 100,000 trees were planted – largest tree planting scheme
in Europe, 130 ha of green space and 17 conservation area and a 90km
waterfront. However, with property led regeneration it doesn’t just bring
benefits, there has however been problems as many of the new homes are too
expensive and so its puts a price bracket on property for the local people. It failed
to involve the local people and as it was aimed at more ‘yuppies’ it was claimed