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Latest notes & summaries ACCOUNTING Test-Bank
Item	LO	BT	Item	LO	BT	Item	LO	BT	Item	LO	BT	Item	LO	BT 
True-False Statements 
1.	1	K	12.	3	C	23.	5	K	34.	7	K	45.	7	K 
2.	1	K	13.	3	C	24.	5	K	35.	7	C	46.	7	K 
3.	1	K	14.	3	K	25.	5	C	36.	7	K	47.	7	K 
4.	1	K	15.	4	K	26.	6	K	37.	7	K	48.	7	K 
5.	1	C	16.	4	C	27.	6	K	38.	7	C	49.	7	K 
6.	1	K	17.	4	K	28.	6	K	39.	7	K	50.	7	K 
7.	1	C	18.	4	K	29.	7	K	40.	7	K	51.	7	K 
8.	2	K	19.	4	K	30.	7	...
Introduction to Management Accounting, 16e (Horngren) 
Chapter 3 Measurement of Cost Behavior 
3.1 Questions 
1) Managers can influence the amount of fixed and variable costs in a firm through decisions about ________. 
A) product attributes 
B) capacity level 
C) amount of high technology equipment used for manufacturing products 
D) all of the above 
Answer: D 
Diff: 1 
LO: 3-1 
AACSB: Reflective thinking skills 
Learning Outcome: Define and distinguish between variable, fixed and ...
Chapter 03 
International Convergence of Financial Reporting 
Multiple Choice Questions 
	1.	According to Sir Bryan Carsberg, former IASC Secretary-General, what is the most significant cost of accounting diversity? 
	A)	The time expended by accountants to create multiple sets of financial statements conforming to different national standards 
	B)	The cost of the IASB to regulate compliance with many national accounting standards 
	C)	The reduction in effectiveness of the international m...
Accounting - What the Numbers Mean, 12e (Marshall) 
Chapter 3 Fundamental Interpretations Made from Financial Statement Data 
1) Financial statement ratios support informed judgments and decision making most effectively: 
A) when viewed for a single year. 
B) when viewed as a trend of entity data. 
C) when compared to an industry average for the most recent year. 
D) when the trend of entity data is compared to the trend of industry data. 
Answer: D 
Difficulty: 2 Medium 
Topic: Illustr...
Chapter 3—Consolidated Statements: Subsequent to Acquisition 
Scenario 3-1 
Pedro purchased 100% of the common stock of the Sanburn Company on January 1, 20X1, for $500,000. On that date, the stockholders' equity of Sanburn Company was $380,000. On the purchase date, inventory of Sanburn Company, which was sold during 20X1, was understated by $20,000. Any remaining excess of cost over book value is attributable to patent with a 20-year life. The reported income and divi...
	1.	The accounting profession has been regulated by Congress since the 1880s when it became clear that accounting was an important instrument in America for conducting business. 
	2.	The SEC was created by Congress to replace the AICPA’s standard-setting group. 
	3.	The SEC is legally empowered to regulate accounting principles. 
	4.	Most of the responsibility for establishing accounting principles has remained with the private sector ...
True / False Answers 
1. Conversion labor costs become part of cost of goods sold. 
Answer: True 
Chapter 07 Conversion Processes Answer Key 
AACSB: Analytical Thinking AICPA BB: Leveraging Technology AICPA FN: Leveraging Technology 
Blooms: Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 07-01 Describe the business activities that comprise the conversion process Source: Original Topic: Conversion processes 
2. Gateways can direct sequence flow to support looping. 
Answer: True 
AACSB: Analytica...
Accounting Information Systems, 2e (Kay/Ovlia) 
Chapter 3 Accounting Interface: Database Forms, Queries, and Reports 
Objective 1 
1) Accounting systems usually use a GUI to increase the ease of entering and retrieving accounting data. 
Answer: TRUE 
Diff: 1 
Objective: Q3.1 What is the role of the accounting interface in the accounting system? 
2) The accounting interface connects the accountant user to the database behind the screen. 
Answer: TRUE 
Diff: 1 
Objective: Q3.1 What is ...
Accounting Information Systems, 14e, Global Edition (Romney/Steinbart) 
Chapter 3 Systems Documentation Techniques 
1 Prepare and use data flow diagrams to understand, evaluate, and document information systems. 
1) Graphical representations of information are often supplemented by 
A) narrative descriptions. 
B) relevant e-mail communications. 
C) logic charts. 
D) oral descriptions from management. 
Answer: A 
Concept: Data flow diagrams 
Objective: Learning Objective 1 
Accounting Information Systems, 13e (Romney/Steinbart) 
Chapter 3 Systems Documentation Techniques 
3.1 Prepare and use data flow diagrams to understand, evaluate, and document information systems. 
1) Graphical representations of information are often supplemented by 
A) narrative descriptions. 
B) relevant e-mail communications. 
C) logic charts. 
D) oral descriptions from management. 
Answer: A 
Objective: Learning Objective 1 
Difficulty: Easy 
AACSB: Analytic 
2) All of the...