AQA • English Literature
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A 1000+ word essay discussing how Shakespeare establishes Hero and Claudio's relationship in the first act of 'Much Ado About Nothing'. It covers the language used, imagery, plot points, and structure.
An essay of approximately 1000 words comparing the poems 'An Argument' and 'My Pretty Rose Tree'
A 3,000+ word essay exploring the themes of identity and reputation in The Magic Toyshop, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Great Gatsby, drawing comparisons between the three texts. It achieved an A+ grade for an A2 piece of coursework.
well written and well-structured essay achieving an A*. Topic: female sexuality. This essay was based on the ed excel mark scheme. 
if you have any questions message me and I will do my best to answer them for free :)
Well structured and well-written essay which achieved A*. Focusing on the Wife of Bath and the topic of male behavior, written in accordance to the edexcel mark scheme. 
Feel free to message me with any questions and I will gladly try my best to answer :)
Contains analysed quotes with different audience interpretations and context - Level 9 notes
Revision document for the poems for the Edexcel A level English Literature exam from the 'Poems of the Decade' anthology
Character analysis, context, critical analysis, themes of the yellow wallpaper. The FULL notes that helped me achieve an A* in my exam.
Full set of revision notes for the play 'Othello' by William Shakespeare, created under the learning objectives of the AQA exam board. I created this resource as my own source of revision, and was able to achieve consistent A*, A and B grades throughout year 12 and year 13. Includes details regarding all notable characters, with following sections covering in depth; key themes, genre, setting, structure, language, imagery, context, critic's views, contemporary approaches and key connections ...
In-depth essay plan on the theme of Conflict in Skirrid Hill. Covers an introduction, paragraphs, and a conclusion. it has quotes, poetry terms, references, interpretations, context etc. All you need to write an A standard answer to the exam question.