Pearson Edexcel • Business
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Popular books Pearson Edexcel • Business

Neil James, Andrew Hammond • ISBN 9781510427556

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Latest notes & summaries Pearson Edexcel • Business
This is the unit 22 assignment 1 of market research. it has all the pass merit and distinction for this assignment
this is the other half of the unit 17 assignment 1. this is the presentation that is marked up till distinctions. the other half is the report for this assignment which will be uploaded on my account.
A level business unit 4- global business notes from A* students. Includes all chapters with everything from evaluation points to examples, which are a necessity in unit 4 exam papers.
This document contain 57 pages, which offer a great detail in both knowledge and analysis for all topics in theme 1, found in the Level Business edexcel contents.
This document contains 50 pages of in depth analysis and knowledge of all topics found in Theme 2 from the Edexcel Level course
This product provides in depth knowledge on all topics found in Theme 2.
Large and colourful 1-2 page summaries of each part of the spec for Business Unit 1. Improve your understanding immediately by highlighting key points and mark scheme must haves. The notes that helped me get an A*, concise and accurate made with the help of a tutor.
In this lecture notes you will find in depth notes for the topic "Moving from entrepreneur to leader" Theme 1 of Edexcel A level business which is called marketing and people.The textbook "Edexcel AS/A level BUSINESS, 5th edition, Pearson" is referenced in these lecture notes. They are really well written and simple to read and understand. They make learning 100% easier as I have worked really hard to write these challenging concepts in a simpler way, combining power points, lecture notes a...
In this lecture notes you will find in depth notes for the topic "Business choices" Theme 1 of Edexcel A level business which is called marketing and people.The textbook "Edexcel AS/A level BUSINESS, 5th edition, Pearson" is referenced in these lecture notes. They are really well written and simple to read and understand. They make learning 100% easier as I have worked really hard to write these challenging concepts in a simpler way, combining power points, lecture notes and book. It really...
In this lecture notes you will find in depth notes for the topic "Business objectives" Theme 1 of Edexcel A level business which is called marketing and people.The textbook "Edexcel AS/A level BUSINESS, 5th edition, Pearson" is referenced in these lecture notes. They are really well written and simple to read and understand. They make learning 100% easier as I have worked really hard to write these challenging concepts in a simpler way, combining power points, lecture notes and book. It rea...