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Modules BLS at AQA
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Latest notes & summaries AQA • BLS
A rescuer arrive at the side of an adult victim and suspects an opioid-associated life-threatening 
The victim if unresponsive and not breathing normally but has a pulse 
What is the next action the rescuer should take? - Give 1 rescue breath every 6 seconds 
Adult BLS algorithms for health care providers - Verify Scene Safety 
Check for Responsiveness 
- Tap the victim's shoulders and shout, "Are you OK?" 
- If the victim is not responsive, shout for nearby help. 
- Activate the e...
A team leader assigns a task to another person. Which of the following actions demonstrates good 
closed-loop communication? - The person repeats the message and acknowledges when the task 
is done. 
An adult victim, suspected of an opioid overdose, has no pulse and is not breathing. What should be the 
rescuer's next step? - Provide high-quality CPR. 
Chest compressions on adults should be done to what depth? - Between 2-2.4" 
During CPR, what is the ratio of chest compressions to rescue brea...
How is gastric inflation caused? - It is caused when air enters the victim stomach during bag mask 
ventilation it is caused by breaths given to quickly or with too much force 
How long should interruptions in chest compressions be limited to? - No more than 10 seconds 
If you suspect cervical spine injury what maneuver should be used to open the airway? - 
Modified jaw thrust maneuver 
Is a rescue breath effective? - A rescue breath is effective for a patient of any age if it causes the 
1. When should the rescuer initially ensure that the scene is safe? 
a. When the rescuer first sees a potential victim 
b. After the rescuer activates the emergency response system 
c. As emergency medical services arrive on the scene 
d. After an AED that is attached to the victim delivers a shock - A 
2. As soon as an AED becomes available, which of the following is the first step the rescuer should 
perform to operate the AED? 
a. Place the AED pads on the chest 
b. Deliver 2 rescue breaths b...
While assessing an unresponsive adult who has been pulled from the water, you find that the patient 
has only occasional gasps, no definitive pulse and no severe life-threatening bleeding. Which of the 
following should you do next? - Provide 2 ventilations and begin CPR 
An adult choking victim becomes unresponsive after 7 abdominal thrusts. You lay them on the floor. The 
next step you should do is to: - Expose the chest and begin chest compressions. 
You are performing chest compressions on a...
You and your colleagues have been providing high-quality CPR for and using the AED on Mr. Sauer. 
While providing ventilations, you notice that Mr. Sauer moves and appears to be breathing. What is the 
correct course of action? - Stop CPR, check for breathing and a pulse and monitor Mr. Sauer until 
the advanced cardiac life support team takes over. 
Upon entering Mr. Cohen's room, you find him on the ground, unresponsive. After immediately 
initiating the emergency response system, what is you...
For the purposes of the BLS course, age definitions are as follows: - Adult: after onset of puberty 
and older 
Children: 1 year to puberty 
Infant: <1 year of age 
How deep should you compress for each age group? - Adults: at least 2 inches 
Children: at least 1/3 of the depth of the chest; about 2 inches 
Infants: at least 1/3 of the depth of the chest; about 1.5 inches 
How do you check a pulse in infants and children? - Infants: palpate a brachial pulse 
Children: palpate a carotid or fem...
DEFINE: Compression-Only CPR - A technique that slows the process of brain death in cardiac 
arrest by partially restoring circulation of existing oxygen in the bloodstream to the brain and other vital 
What does SCA stand for? - Sudden Cardiac Arrest 
DEFINE: Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) - The result of disruption in the heart's electrical system 
What is the most common treatment for Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)? - Defibrillation 
DEFINE: Defibrillation - An electrical shock administere...
BLS - Basic Life Support 
What is the first step of CPR - Start compressions within 10 seconds. 
What is the second step of CPR - Push hard, push fast 
What should be your rate of compression - You compress at a rate of 100 to 120/min 
What are the different rates of depth for chest compressions? - At least 2 inches (5 cm) for 
adults, and children. At least one 1 1/2 inches (4 cm ), for Infants. 
What is the third step of CPR - Allow complete chest recoil after compression. 
What is the fourth ...
"Members of the team know their boundaries and ask for help before the resuscitation attempt 
worsens." Match this statement with the most appropriate element of team dynamics listed. - 
Knowing your limitations 
"The team functions smoothly when all team members know their positions, functions, and tasks 
during a resuscitation attempt." Match this statement with the most appropriate element of team 
dynamics listed. - Clear roles and responsibilities 
A 53-year-old woman collapses while ga...