AQA • Pscyhology
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Latest notes & summaries AQA • Pscyhology
Summary of the key assumptions and points for the cognitive approach, including evaluation points
Summary of the biological approach- key assumptions and points. Also includes evaluation points
Detailed notes on all the 16 makers for Aggression (A-LEVEL) (AQA)
A model answer for the free will vs determinism debate (a possible 16 marker in the A Level exam) - this was a practice that I used as a template to learn incase it came up in my real exam - therefore I spent way more time on it and used books and teacher feedback to ensure it is higher level.
Fully annotated model of the brain at AQA psychology standards
starts with key terms with definitions, includes studies in which can be used to explain it. two strengths and two weakness for the evaluation in a summarised form.
Complete overview of Asch’s study (including evaluation)
These are concise, detailed notes covering the whole specification for the memory part of A level Psychology and are guaranteed to get students top grades.
Summary of all debates learnt in Issues and Debates with Evaluation points for 16 markers.
Outline potential ethical and design issue with Zimbardo’s prison study into obedience, social roles, and social influence. Includes research methods knowledge. 
AQA A level psychology notes social influence