AQA • Psychology A
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All key words, content and evaluation for paper 3 topic issues and debates. organised via the specification. Includes notes from multiple sources. Simplified and easy to digest.
AQA A-level PSYCHOLOGY 7182/3 Paper 3 Issues and options in psychology
ALL CONTENT COVERED - Used to get A* - ALL AO1 and AO3 points needed for each topic set out in a summary table - includes all studies and names. AO3 nicely summarised to make it easier to remember.
ALL CONTENT COVERED Used to get 9 ALL AO1 and AO3 points needed for each topic set out in a summary table - includes all studies and names. AO3 nicely summarised to make it easier to remember.
Detailed summary notes for paper 3 issues and debates
AQA A Level Psychology A Biopsychology summary notes as per the 2022 examination
Detailed notes on the whole addiction topic for Aqa a level psychology
Detailed essay plans for every 16 marker question in the biopsych topic
16 marker essay plan that I split into 6 marks AO1 description of topic in question and 10 marks AO3 evaluation- strength and limitations.
16 marker essay plan that I split into 6 marks AO1 description of topic in question and 10 marks AO3 evaluation- strength and limitations.