AQA • Spanish
Latest uploads for Spanish at AQA. Looking for Spanish notes at AQA? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Spanish at AQA.
Modules Spanish at AQA
Notes available for the following courses of Spanish at AQA
Popular books AQA • Spanish

Ramon J Sender, Ramon J. Sender • ISBN 9780719032226

Jose Antonio Garcia Sanchez, Tony Weston • ISBN 9781471891748

Laura Esquivel • ISBN 9780385721233
Margaret Bond, Ian Kendrick, Francisco Villatoro, Francisca Mejías Yedra • ISBN 9780198494607

Margaret Bond, Ian Kendrick • ISBN 9780198366904

Federico GarciA Lorca, Federico GarciA Lorca • ISBN 9780719009501

Laura Esquivel • ISBN 9788466329088
Latest notes & summaries AQA • Spanish
This document includes a complete summary of the equality for the sexes exam module used in year 1 A-Level AQA Spanish, used to achieve the final grade of an A at A-Level.
Module 2 AQA A-Level Spanish, Year 1 
This document includes a complete summary of the cyber space exam module used in year 1 A-Level AQA Spanish, used to achieve the final grade of an A at A-Level.
Module 1 AQA A-Level Spanish, Year 1 
This document includes a summary of the complete module one for A-Level year 1 Spanish. Used to achieve an A in final summer examinations.
This pack of notes details the complete film and includes a wide range of discussion points, context references as well as an exploration of the characters and themes within the film. These points are critical within the essays and achieved an A at A-Level.
All of the knowledge you will need for all of the possible topics that may be covered in your AQA Spanish Speaking exam, already written in Spanish.
This is a long list of high-level sentence starters, analysis phrases, idioms and subjunctives that you can use in Spanish essays and speaking exams. This whole list helped me achieve an A* at A Level. Easy to read and amazing for revision.
Las 13 rosas - Emilio Martínez-Lázaro - LESSON PLAN / REVISION NOTES 
an analysis and plan of mock exam questions
Mind-map of key themes and characters in La Casa De Bernarda Alba by Lorca including quotes (purple) and explanations. This mind-map is about the theme of absence of love in the play.
Mind-map of key themes and characters in La Casa De Bernarda Alba by Lorca including quotes (purple) and explanations. This mind-map is a summary of the characters in the play
Mind-map of key themes and characters in La Casa De Bernarda Alba by Lorca including quotes (purple) and explanations. This mind-map is about the theme of conflict in the play.