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Latest notes & summaries AQA • UK POLITICS ESSAY
Evaluate the view that the UK is facing a 'participation crisis'. - ANS P1 - there is falling participation in 
elections in recent years. 
- Turnout in general elections has been falling since 1979 - it was 76% in 1979 and in 2001 it was just 
- European, local and other elections have seen even lower turnouts - 35.2% in 2014 European elections, 
36% in 2018 local elections, 15.1% for police commissioner elections in 2012 
- *find stats about referendum 
P2 - evidence of falling particip...
Evaluate the view pressure groups enhance democracy - ANS For: 
- Counter balance the tyranny of the majority e.g. Stonewall and the legalisation of gay marriage 
- Act as a limit to government power e.g. extinction rebellion, committing to zero carbon emissions by 
- Bring expert knowledge to governments attention e.g. CBI 
Counter arguments: 
- Leads to tyranny of minority e.g. opposition to HS2 
- Undermines parliaments sovereignty e.g. private healthcare companies helping draft health ...
Evaluate the view that citizens can no longer feel confident that their rights in the UK are secure and 
(introduction) - ANS ... 
paragraph 1 - the introduction of the HRA - ANS P - HRA ensured that the protection of human rights 
came under clear statute law as opposed to common law 
E - HRA proved crucial in tackling discriminatory law and provided a clear and purley legal basis on how 
to go about certian issues. 2012, home secretary repeatedly prevented from deporting abu quat...
Evaluate how effectively rights are protected in the UK/ Evaluate the view that human rights are well 
protected in the United Kingdom (word what writing differently) - ANS Judicial Review, Civil Liberties, 
Awareness of civil liberties 
Evaluate how effectively rights are protected in the UK/ Evaluate the view that human rights are well 
protected in the United Kingdom (word what writing differently) - ANS P1: Judicial Review, yes effective 
- citizens challenge decisions ...
Evaluate the extent to which rights are effectively protected in the UK - ANS Intro;- Human rights, or 
natural rights, are rights that individuals are naturally entitled to. These rights are absolute, universal 
and fundamental. They also form the basis of individual protection against government intrusion. 
P1 - Judiciary 
- the part of a country's government that is responsible for its legal system and which consists of all the 
judges in the country's courts of law. 
- Enhanced measures of...
Themes: Evaluate the view that in a democracy MPs are free to ignore referendum results and their own 
political party's manifesto. - ANS HRA 
Protection of rights- HRA - ANS Protected: 
Not protected: HRA is uncodified and can be altered by a simple act of Parliament, should be entrenched 
to protect human rights 
> Blairs anti-terrorism legislation following 9/11 
Evaluate the view that rights are well protected in the UK - ANS 
Themes: Evaluate the extent to which there differences ...
Great Reform Act - ANS 1832 
eliminated rotten boroughs and redistributed seats in Parliament. 
1 in 5 adult males 
5.6% population 
Second Reform Act - ANS 1867 
Bigger scope 
Working class men to vote if they met property qualifications 
Doubled size of electorate 
Third Reform Act - ANS 1884 
Gladstone liberal government 
All working men who met property qualification could vote 
40% adult men still excluded 
Representation of the Peoples Act 1918 - ANS WW1 
Llloyd George 
All men o...
to what extent is uk democracy in need of reform participation levels 
voter turnout has been decreasing since 1964. 1964 turnout = 77%, 2019 turnout = 67% comparatively - 
most european elections have 80%+, USA 2017 - 49% 
to what extent is uk democracy in need of reform party membership 
party membership has been declining since 1950: conservative party - 2.8m - 200k - this is a less 
prevelant indicator than electoral turnout 
to what extent is uk democracy in need of reform - public trust in...
Is the UK experiencing a democratic deficit? - ANS - Yes participation crisis 
- No? 
- Yes FPTP = bad 
Is the UK experiencing a participation crisis? - ANS - Yes, Turnout in elections and referendums 
- Yes, decline in party membership 
- No 
Should voting be made compulsory? - ANS - No, infringes on civil liberties 
- Yes, Increased turnout 
- No, voters are not well informed 
Do pressure groups promote democracy and participation? - ANS - Yes, helps to remove tyranny of the 
majority by repre...
Should the UK have a codified constitution? - A codified constitution protects the rights of the 
people which can easily be taken away by the sovereign parliament (in 2015 the ECHR ruled in favour of 
the 1000 prisoners who appealed their right to vote, however, the UK government refused to comply) 
/An un-codified constitution is more flexible and can adapt to change, which is vital as the needs of the 
country are constantly changing, creating competing rights. Plus, rights in the UK are prot...