Bangor University (BU)
Latest uploads at Bangor University (BU). Looking for notes at Bangor University (BU)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for your school.
Courses at Bangor University (BU)
Notes available for the following courses at Bangor University (BU)
Latest notes & summaries Bangor University (BU)
2 Page Revision Chart for terms and definitions of prescribing in pregnancy and breast feeding 
Simplified and covers the basics for the examination of safe prescribing, Intended for revision purposes 
Key Topics include, 
Physiological changes by System, Teratogenicity, Prescribing considerations,
A chart detailing terms and definitions for Legal Frameworks in Prescribing 
Key Topics Include: 
Laws, Licensing of Medications, Accountability, Consent, Ethics and Capacity 
Bullet Point Style, Intended for Revision Purposes for the Safe Prescribing Examination for Non-Medical Prescribing
This document is over 2 pages 
It was written in preparation for an examination for safe prescribing 
Key Topics Include: Key terms [agonist, antagonist etc.], Adverse Drug Reactions and Drug Interactions 
It is bullet point style and in a chart, with a basic term and definition for revision purpose
One chart summary of the basics of prescription writing for Non-Medical Independent Nurse Examination 
Key Topics include: Types of prescriptions, Basic Requirements, Controlled Drugs [Schedule 2 & 3] and the principles of good prescription writing
One page revision chart to sum up the basics for the Non-Medical Independent Prescribing Examination 
Key Topics: 
Renal Function Calculators, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, Common Drugs, Sick Day Rules 
Bullet point style.
Provided are revision charts for the key topics covered in a non-medical prescribing examination. 
Key Topics include Blood Tests, Liver Dysfunction, Drugs and Pharmacokinetics.
This is a postgraduation assignment of the MA Business and Marketing of Bangor Business School. The assignment on ASB & ABJ 4431: Organisations and People explores the relationship between organizational structures and the people within them. It examines how organizational culture, leadership, communication, and human resource practices influence employee behavior and organizational performance. The document analyzes key theories in organizational behavior, such as motivation, team dynamics, and...
This is a postgraduation course of Bangor Business School of MA Business and Marketing course. The assignment on International Strategic Management explores the key principles and frameworks that guide businesses in formulating and implementing strategies in a global context. It examines the challenges and opportunities organizations face when expanding into international markets, addressing factors such as cultural differences, global competition, and economic dynamics. The document discusses v...
Test Bank for Business Statistics,4CE by Norean Sharpe,Richard DeVeaux,Paul Velleman & DavidTest Bank for Business Statistics,4CE by Norean Sharpe,Richard DeVeaux,Paul Velleman & DavidTest Bank for Business Statistics,4CE by Norean Sharpe,Richard DeVeaux,Paul Velleman & DavidTest Bank for Business Statistics,4CE by Norean Sharpe,Richard DeVeaux,Paul Velleman & DavidTest Bank for Business Statistics,4CE by Norean Sharpe,Richard DeVeaux,Paul Velleman & DavidTest Bank for Business Statistics,4CE by...
These notes involves how to report of court cases. An easy way to read the summary of the journalism module