OCR • Chemistry A
Latest uploads for Chemistry A at OCR. Looking for Chemistry A notes at OCR? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Chemistry A at OCR.
Modules Chemistry A at OCR
Notes available for the following courses of Chemistry A at OCR
- A Level Chemistry 2
- A* Level - All of Chemistry H432 1
- A2 Unit F324 - Rings, Polymers and Analysis PSYc101 22
- A2 Unit F325 - Equilibria, Energetics and Elements H434 40
- A2 Unit F326 - Practical Skills in Chemistry 16
- Acids and Redox 3
- Acids, Bases and pH 1
- Advanced Energetics 1
- Alcohols, Organic Chemistry 1
- Alkanes, Organic Chemistry 1
- Alkenes, Organic Chemistry 1
- ALL 2
- All modules 4
- All Past Papers 1
- Amines 2
- Amines, Amides and Amino acids 1
- Amount of Substance H432 1
- Aromatic compounds 3
- AS 1
- AS Acids and REDOX H432 1
- AS Chemistry 1
- AS Level Chemistry 3
- AS Level Chemistry A H032/02 Depth in chemistry 1
- AS Unit F321 - Atoms, Bonds and Groups H032 28
- AS Unit F322 - Chains, Energy and Resources 13
- AS Unit F323 - Practical Skills in Chemistry 1 8
- Atomic Structure and Bonding 2
- Atoms, Ions and Compounds 2.1 1
- M5 - Physical chemistry and transition elements 1
- Manganate redox titration 1
- Mass Spectrometry 1
- Mass Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy, NMR 1
- Mechanisms 1
- Module 1 1
- Module 2 H432 5
- Module 2 - Foundations in chemistry H432 5
- Module 2 – Foundations in chemistry 1
- Module 2 Foundations in Chemistry H432 5
- Module 2: Foundation in Chemistry 2
- Module 2: Foundations in Chemistry 2
- MODULE 2.1 - Atomic Structure & Isotopes H432 1
- MODULE 2.2 - Amount of Substance H432 1
- Module 3 H432 13
- Module 3 - core organic chemistry 1
- Module 3 - Periodic table and energy H432/H032 6
- Module 3 Periodic Table and Periodicity H032 4
- Module 3, Module 6 - organic chemistry 1
- Module 3: Periodic table and energy 2
- Module 3.1.1 Chapter 7 Periodicity 1
- Module 3.1.2 Chapter 8 Reactivity Trends 1
- Module 3.2.1 Chapter 9 Enthalpy 1
- Module 3.2.2 Chapter 10 Reaction Rates 1
- Module 4 H432 5
- Module 4 - Core organic chemistry H432/H032 9
- Module 4 Core Organic Chemistry H032 7
- Module 4: Organic Chemistry 1
- Module 4.1.3 Chapter 13 Alkenes 1
- Module 4.2.1 Chapter 14 Alcohols 1
- Module 4.2.2 Chapter 15 Haloalkanes 1
- Module 4.2.4 Chapter 17 Spectroscopy 1
- Module 5 H432 4
- Module 5 - Physical chemistry 5
- Module 5 - Physical chemistry + transition metals 1
- Module 5 - Physical chemistry and transition elements H432 1
- Module 5: Physical Chemistry & Transition Elements 1
- Module 6 H432 2
- Module 6 - Organic chemistry and analysis H432 9
- Module 6 Carbonyl Compounds 1
- Module 6 Carboxylic acids & Esters 1
- Module 6 Spectroscopy 1
- Module 6- Organic syntheis 1
- Module 6- Organic synthesis 1
- Module 6, Carbonyls and Ketones 1
- Module 6.1.2 — Electrophilic Substitution 1
- Modules 1-4 1
- Modules 1-6 2
- OCR A Level Chemistry - Year 1 1
- OCR A Level Chemistry - Year 2 1
- OCR A Level Chemistry A Past Paper H432 6
- Organic 1
- Organic & Inorganic 1
- Organic Chemistry H432 33
- Organic Chemistry - MODULE 4 & 6 1
- Organic Chemistry and Analysis 4
- Organic reactions 1
- Organic Synthesis 2
- Organic synthesis chapter 18 1
- Ozone 1
- PAG 12.1 1
- Paper 1 1
- Paper1 H432 2
- Past paper 1
- Period Table and Energy 2
- Periodic Table and Energy 1
- Periodicity 3
- Periodicity, Group 2, and Group 7 1
- Physical chem 1
- Physical Chemistry H432 13
- Physical Chemistry - MODULE 3 & 5 1
- Physical Chemistry and Transition Elements 2
- Polymers, Amino Acids and Amides 1
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Latest notes & summaries OCR • Chemistry A
Following the specification, I crafted these notes during my A level course. Beginning with the acid reactions of carboxylic acids, to the hydrolysis of esters. These notes will help you go that extra mile during your studies. Using them myself helped me go from a C in year 12 to an A at the end of year 13, and they'll help you accomplish that and more!
Beginning with how pi bonds are formed within a carbonyl bond (C=O) to distinguishing between aldehydes and ketones, these series of notes will help you go the extra mile in your studies. These I've crafted myself helped me go from a C in year 12 to an A by the end of year 13, and they can help you accomplish that and more!
notes on chromatography in a level chemistry, including diagrams from the kerboodle textbook and gas and TLC chromatography
summary notes on module 6 of organic chemistry OCR A level, including all subtopics and practical techniques, mechanisms, synthetic routes and spectroscopy / analytical techniques in year 2. including diagrams and explanations based on the kerboodle textbook.
I quick summary of all information you need for OCR chemistry!!
Collection of questions which cover the periodicity topic in Module 3 of the OCR A A-Level Chemistry specification, made to challenge your knowledge and application. If you can complete all these questions comfortably it means you are well-familiarised with the topic!
Summative notes for OCR A-Level Module 5 (Y13). Contains notes on acids/buffers/bases, transition metals, enthalpy and entropy, and redox/electrode potentials. Notes are written to the specification and match the mark scheme. The document contains diagrams, example equations, exam tips and worked questions. Enjoy!
Comprehensive, detailed notes for OCR A-Level chemistry (Yr 13 content only!), with notes written to match specification points. Contains highlighted diagrams, step-by-step mechanisms, and example equations. Important note: This document does not contain any notes about benzene, ie its structure, nomenclature or associated mechanisms. Regardless, I hope this helps you!
Comprehensive notes covering the whole of AS-level organic chemistry, written to include every specification point. Contains diagrams, equations, example answers, as well as step-by-step mechanisms and mark-scheme approved definitions. I made these during my A-levels, and I hope they can help you!
summary notes on the whole of module 4 in OCR A level chemistry, covering all of the topics, functional groups, synthetic pathways and practical techniques for year 1 organic chemistry. 
images and diagrams included from the kerboodle