PEARSON (PEARSON) • Unit 16: Procedural Programming
Latest uploads for Unit 16: Procedural Programming at PEARSON (PEARSON). Looking for Unit 16: Procedural Programming notes at PEARSON (PEARSON)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Unit 16: Procedural Programming at PEARSON (PEARSON).
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Notes available for the following courses of Unit 16: Procedural Programming at PEARSON (PEARSON)
Latest notes & summaries PEARSON (PEARSON) • Unit 16: Procedural Programming
![Latest Preview Thumbnail](/docpics/60dc91f7be51c_1192149.jpg)
P1 explain the key features of procedural programs 
M1 explain why modular elements are important for procedural programming 
D1 evaluate the suitability of procedural programs for graphical applications
- Book
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- • 5 pages's •
PEARSON • P1 explain the key features of procedural programs M1 explain why modular elements are important for procedural programming D1 evaluate the suitability of procedural programs for graphical applications
Procedural Programming A Complete Guide - 2021 Edition • Gerardus Blokdyk• ISBN 9781867492467
P1 explain the key features of procedural programs 
M1 explain why modular elements are important for procedural programming 
D1 evaluate the suitability of procedural programs for graphical applications