The University of Nottingham (UON) • Psychology
Latest uploads for Psychology at The University of Nottingham (UON). Looking for Psychology notes at The University of Nottingham (UON)? We have lots of notes, study guides and revision notes available for Psychology at The University of Nottingham (UON).
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Modules Psychology at The University of Nottingham (UON)
Notes available for the following courses of Psychology at The University of Nottingham (UON)
Latest notes & summaries The University of Nottingham (UON) • Psychology
This is a collection of multiple choice questions I made up myself to help with revision. Using these helped me achieve a first in the exam. There is no guarantee any of these will come up in the exam however they should help test your memory. There are MCQs for all the lectures.
This is a collection of four essay plans, for the following titles: Behaviourism (vs Cognitive Psychology) What influence did Darwin’s evolutionary theory have on the development of Psychology as an academic subject? What were Freud’s (1856 – 1939) Ideas & How have they Influenced Modern Psychology? To what extent should psychology adopt an empiricist or rationalist approach? Use examples from modern psychology to support your argument. They all include extra reading however the referenc...
Three fully highlighted sets of lecture notes from Cognition in the Real World module (C83LLC). 1. Car accidents and plane crashes, 2. Traffic Accidents, 3. Psychology and the Stock Market
Two fully highlighted sets of lecture notes on bilingualism from Cognition in the Real World module (C83LLC). Includes cortical representations, learning a second language, models of bilingualism, cognitive benefits, language control and conflict.
Two fully highlighted sets of lecture notes from Cognition in the Real World module (C83LLC). 1. Medical Decision Making, 2. Memory in the Real World.
Very detailed essay plan, with study details and critical appraisal. For seen exam question "offenders commit crimes because they are mentally ill."
Full highlighted lecture notes on Moral Cognition from C83LDC module. Includes moral dilemmas, stages of morality, sociopathy models and brain strucure, Psychopathy brain structure and causes.
Full lecture notes from two lectures in Forensic and Mental Health Module (C83FMH). Criminal behaviour and Mental Health, and Mental Health in Young Offenders.
Full lecture notes from Psychology through the Criminal Justice System in Forensic and Mental Health Module (C83FMH).
Full highlighted lecture notes on Introduction to Developmental Cognitive Neuropsychology. Includes brain development, atypical development, models of development.