OSCOLA Referencing
Middlesex University (MDX)
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A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO OSCOLA REFERENCING- Pt. 2 How To Subsequently Cite In Footnotes
- Summary • 14 pages • 2023
- £16.98
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This guide has every tip and trick, regarding how to subsequently cite in footnotes, compiled into a single document. It's super easy to follow and I guarantee you, if you follow this guide, you won't lose any marks when it comes to OSCOLA referencing. 
As a first year law student, referencing using the OSCOLA technique did not come easily. Every website that taught OSCOLA referencing would be missing key details- causing me to lose easy marks. Through trial and error, I was able to perfec...
BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO OSCOLA REFERENCING- Pt.3 How To Apply OSCOLA Referencing To Your Bibliography
- Summary • 9 pages • 2023
- £16.98
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This guide has every tip and trick, regarding applying OSCOLA to bibliographies, compiled into a single document. It's super easy to follow and I guarantee you, if you follow this guide, you won't lose any marks when it comes to OSCOLA referencing. 
As a first year law student, referencing using the OSCOLA technique did not come easily. Every website that taught OSCOLA referencing would be missing key details- causing me to lose easy marks. Through trial and error, I was able to perfect my...
- Other • 31 pages • 2023
- £36.48
- + learn more
This guide has every tip and trick needed compiled into a single document. It's super easy to follow and I guarantee you, if you follow this guide, you won't lose any marks when it comes to OSCOLA referencing. 
As a first year law student, referencing using the OSCOLA technique did not come easily. Every website that taught OSCOLA referencing would be missing key details- causing me to lose easy marks. Through trial and error, I was able to perfect my referencing. 
Do try this guide out...
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