Autism Research (PRMP141)

The University of Stirling (UoS)

Here are the best resources to pass Autism Research (PRMP141). Find Autism Research (PRMP141) study guides, notes, assignments, and much more.

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Lecture notes Autism Research (PRMP141)
  • Lecture notes Autism Research (PRMP141)

  • Lecture notes • 18 pages • 2023
  • MSc Autism Research Lecture Notes A complete collection of notes taken for the Univeristy of Stirling PRMP141 class of 2020 for Autism Research. Notes dicussing the topics at hand including the Double Empathy Problem, Theory and Mind, Social Motivation and more - including the breakdown of key papers in the research field. These notes will help further understanding of the disucssed topics and provide a sping point for further reading. A great starting basis for any Autism Specrum Research...
  • £15.49
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