Introduction to Political Ideas (PO1IPI)
University of Reading (UoR)
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Lecture notes Introduction to Political Ideas (PO1IPI) Issues in Political Theory
- Lecture notes • 46 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- £10.48
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This course focuses on two kinds of debate: normative debates about how we should act as citizens and respond to certain social forces	in	contemporary society; and	conceptual debates	about	the meaning	of	some prominent	terms in political rhetoric and discourse. It is	split into	four main	themes: authority and obligation, freedom, democracy and social justice and equality. Whilst this course draws its material largely from the linked textbook - included within is also other readings that are rele...
1st Year Politics and International Relations Lecture Notes Package
- Package deal • 3 items • 2024
- £15.49
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This package encompasses all the topics that are covered within the core modules of the 1st year of a politics and international relations degree at the University of Reading. This package provides a detailed view of these modules and will provide a solid base of understanding for any student of politics as well as being a useful revision tool.
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