G571 AS Philosophy of Religion (H173)
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- Package deal • 6 items • 2023
- £20.49
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Complete Set of Notes for OCR A Level Religious Studies Specification: AS and A2 Levels

Explore a comprehensive set of notes covering the entire OCR A Level Religious Studies specification for both AS and A2 levels. Immerse yourself in well-organized, detailed, and easily understandable notes. This resource encompasses quotes, insights fr
Relgious Studies AS/A level: OCR Philosophy - Ancient Philosophical Influences Revision Notes: Plato and Aristotle; detailed summary and evaluation booklet
- Other • 10 pages • 2024 Popular
- Available in package deal
- £8.06
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This in-depth description (AO1) and analysis (AO3) of Ancient Philosophical Influences includes all the information you need to know for this topic in both AS level and A level. 
These notes include a detailed description of every concept including Plato's Cave, Plato's Forms and Form of the Good, Aristotle's Four Causes, and Prime Mover. As well as this, an in-depth evaluation is provided with a discussion of both the strengths and weaknesses of Plato and Aristotle's approach along with some...
‘Critically assess the significance of augustine’s teachings on human relationships before the fall’ (40)
- Essay • 3 pages • 2023
- £5.19
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An A* essay on an A-level OCR Augustine paper. This is one of the more complicated questions so I've made sure this involves content specifically relevant to the question about relationships and significance- this is useful for finding information not given by the revision guides. Total 39/40 for this essay. I covered significance within Augustine's own theology, significance within general theology/ethics, and significance within society.
Philosophy of religion
- Summary • 22 pages • 2022
- £8.49
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I have covered all units using various arguments from different philosophers and their apporaches. It is colour coded on some pages to reduce confusion. See the tags to see tpoics. OCR exam board A level.
Notes - G571 - AS Philosophy of Religion
- Summary • 18 pages • 2023
- Available in package deal
- £7.99
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The AS section of the OCR A Level philosophy of religion specification is thoroughly addressed in this study guide. It provides a comprehensive coverage with meticulously organized, detailed, and clear notes. Additionally, the guide includes enriching quotes, insights from renowned scholars, and well-structured essay plans designed to enhance your understanding and academic performance.
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Religious Studies AS/A level: OCR Philosophy - Arguments based on observation revision notes
- Other • 14 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- £8.16
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This document is 13 pages which includes basic summaries of each argument as well as in-depth evaluations of each argument. 
What's inside: 
- Possible questions for the exam 
- The teleological argument (design) 
- The cosmological argument (causation) 
- Aquinas' fifth way 
- Arguments from analogy; Aquinas' archer and arrow analogy, William Paley's watch analogy 
- Criticisms of the teleological argument including the challenge of evolution 
- Strengths/support for the tel...
Religious Studies AS/A level: OCR Philosophy- The Problem of Evil Detailed Summary and Evaluation booklet revision notes
- Other • 15 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- £8.16
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This 15 page document is probably my most detailed booklet yet. It includes a summary of every theory in the problem of evil as well as their subsequent strengths and weaknesses. It also has detailed essay plans at the end. 
What's inside: 
- Key terms 
- Possible Exam Practice Questions 
- The logical problem of evil - Mackie and Epicurus 
- Strengths and weaknesses of the logical problem of evil 
- The evidential problem of evil - William Rowe 
- Responses to this ^ 
- Augustine's theo...
Religious Studies AS/A level: OCR Philosophy - Religious Experience Revision Notes
- Summary • 6 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- £6.36
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This 6 page document includes a summary of everything you need to know for the religious experience topic along with lots and lots of scholars' opinions on the topic. 
What's inside: 
- possible questions 
- Swinburne's 5 types of religious experience 
- Swinburne's two principles (Principle of credibility and principle of testimony) 
- Wittgenstein's views 
- Hick's views 
- William James' views 
- Key terms 
- James' Theory: philosophical pragmatism 
- Mysticism 
- Corporate religi...
AS and A Level OCR Religious Studies Philosophy Revision Booklets Year 1
- Package deal • 5 items • 2024
- £16.99
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This package deal means you can get 5 extremely detailed revision booklets of the topics from philosophy A level for year 1. 
Please be aware that for religious experience and body, mind and soul there may be some information missing due to COVID-19 reduced content/ 2022.
Purchasing these means you will be completely set for your philosophy paper!
Religious Studies AS/A level: OCR Philosophy - A summary of body, mind and soul notes
- Summary • 3 pages • 2024
- Available in package deal
- £6.36
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This document includes a 3 page simple summary of the topic body, mind and soul for AS and A level. 
What's inside: 
- Possible questions that may come up 
- Plato's theory 
- Aristotle's theory 
- Descartes and Hume's theory 
- Hard materialism; identity theory, behaviourism, idealism, biological materialism 
- Soft materialism 
- Hick's replica theory 
These notes may be slightly incomplete as due to COVID-19, the content for RS A level in 2022 was reduced - therefore, these notes a...
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