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25 items

Energy and Earth
Energy and Earth.This document includes photsynthesis and respiration , and how the reactants of photosynthesis creates the product of glucose and oxygen , it also dives into the atmosphere and its importance , and what's inside our atmosphere. It contains pictures and diagrams for better understanding , and it also touches on the carbon cycle and green house gases and more....
- Summary
- • 35 pages •
Energy and Earth.This document includes photsynthesis and respiration , and how the reactants of photosynthesis creates the product of glucose and oxygen , it also dives into the atmosphere and its importance , and what's inside our atmosphere. It contains pictures and diagrams for better understanding , and it also touches on the carbon cycle and green house gases and more....

What is biodiversity?
What is biodiversity?. This documents includes what biodiversity is , factors that reduce biodiversity , what animals and plants compete for , evolution and what it is , natural selection, the causes for extinction , extinct animals and endangered animals and more ....
- Summary
- • 26 pages •
What is biodiversity?. This documents includes what biodiversity is , factors that reduce biodiversity , what animals and plants compete for , evolution and what it is , natural selection, the causes for extinction , extinct animals and endangered animals and more ....

What is Variation?
What is Variation?.This documents goes in the inner depths of how our genetic information are passed on from our parents to us , how our features are decided , what causes cystic fibrosis and polydactyly and are we able to design our baby through genetic modification and more....
- Summary
- • 32 pages •
What is Variation?.This documents goes in the inner depths of how our genetic information are passed on from our parents to us , how our features are decided , what causes cystic fibrosis and polydactyly and are we able to design our baby through genetic modification and more....

How did people in Britain oppose the Transatlantic Slave Trade 1663-1833?
How did people in Britain oppose the Transatlantic Slave Trade ?. This document includes information on the opposition of the transatlantic slave trade , people of colour's contribution to the britain's military achievement : Samuel Hodge, Mary Seacole, Mahatma Gandhi and Walter Tull. More about the windrush generation contribute to changing britain and more ....
- Summary
- • 49 pages •
How did people in Britain oppose the Transatlantic Slave Trade ?. This document includes information on the opposition of the transatlantic slave trade , people of colour's contribution to the britain's military achievement : Samuel Hodge, Mary Seacole, Mahatma Gandhi and Walter Tull. More about the windrush generation contribute to changing britain and more ....

The end of the Cold War.
The end of the Cold War.This documents includes reasons for the increase in cold war tensions in the 1960s , the cuban missile crisis, American involvement in the Vietnam war, Vietnam controversy , protests against the Vietnam war, the ending of the Vietnam war , the fall of the berlin wall , two different sources including a press release from NATO and more ....
- Summary
- • 36 pages •
The end of the Cold War.This documents includes reasons for the increase in cold war tensions in the 1960s , the cuban missile crisis, American involvement in the Vietnam war, Vietnam controversy , protests against the Vietnam war, the ending of the Vietnam war , the fall of the berlin wall , two different sources including a press release from NATO and more ....

Coastal geography
Coastal geography. This 40 page documents includes information on : soft rock and hard rock,coastal transportation,how spits are formed , different coastlines , how hard and soft engineering protect the coastlines , how Mappleton was impacted by coastal erosion , how sea level rise impacts the Uk and more...
- Summary
- • 40 pages •
Coastal geography. This 40 page documents includes information on : soft rock and hard rock,coastal transportation,how spits are formed , different coastlines , how hard and soft engineering protect the coastlines , how Mappleton was impacted by coastal erosion , how sea level rise impacts the Uk and more...

How is energy created?
How is energy created?. This 13page documents contains information on how fossil fuels are burned to generate electricity and how the waste product of carbon dioxide contribute to the enhanced greenhouse effect which inturn leads to climate change and global warming .It also metions how photosynthesis occurs and how that's used to combat pollution and more....
- Summary
- • 15 pages •
How is energy created?. This 13page documents contains information on how fossil fuels are burned to generate electricity and how the waste product of carbon dioxide contribute to the enhanced greenhouse effect which inturn leads to climate change and global warming .It also metions how photosynthesis occurs and how that's used to combat pollution and more....

What was the Slave Trade?
What was the Slave Trade?.This 26 page document includes information all about the life's of slaves , it mention slave trade triangle and it mentions the creation of the slave trade . It tells you why britain got involved in the slave trade and about the lives of slaves in the slaveship and what the conditions were like in the middle passage . This document includes information about the hardships slaves had to go through.
- Summary
- • 26 pages •
What was the Slave Trade?.This 26 page document includes information all about the life's of slaves , it mention slave trade triangle and it mentions the creation of the slave trade . It tells you why britain got involved in the slave trade and about the lives of slaves in the slaveship and what the conditions were like in the middle passage . This document includes information about the hardships slaves had to go through.

Why was there a Civil War in 1642?
Why was there a Civil War in 1642?.This document includes Charles the first reign and how his unpopularity led to his death, it shows the constant rivalry between the throne and the government , and it also includes information on how england was left without a monarchy and how the government ruled britain until a new heir was on the throne and more....
- Summary
- • 13 pages •
Why was there a Civil War in 1642?.This document includes Charles the first reign and how his unpopularity led to his death, it shows the constant rivalry between the throne and the government , and it also includes information on how england was left without a monarchy and how the government ruled britain until a new heir was on the throne and more....

Succession Crisis of 1066/Norman England
Succession Crisis of 1066/Norman England . Edward the confessor died childless on 5th January 1066, leaving no direct heir to the throne .... This 15 page document goes into more details on the claimants of the throne and who the successor eventually ended up being and their rulership.It looks into the battle of hastings and the different methods of control in Norman England and more....
- Summary
- • 15 pages •
Succession Crisis of 1066/Norman England . Edward the confessor died childless on 5th January 1066, leaving no direct heir to the throne .... This 15 page document goes into more details on the claimants of the throne and who the successor eventually ended up being and their rulership.It looks into the battle of hastings and the different methods of control in Norman England and more....