On this page, you find all documents, package deals, and flashcards offered by seller JAD78.
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Heat treatment of metals
Overview and detailed exploration of heat treatment of metals. Reviews different types of treatments such as annealing, quenching, and normalising.
- Summary
- • 2 pages •
Overview and detailed exploration of heat treatment of metals. Reviews different types of treatments such as annealing, quenching, and normalising.
Time of flight Mass spectrometry Chemistry A Level
Overview of TOF mass spectrometry. Handwritten, neat notes helping students understand TOF mass spectrometry. Describes the process and includes calculations that are necessary.
- Other
- • 3 pages •
Overview of TOF mass spectrometry. Handwritten, neat notes helping students understand TOF mass spectrometry. Describes the process and includes calculations that are necessary.
English GCSE speaking exam draft
Final copy of a GCSE Englis speaking exam speech, that achieved a distinction. Includes top ten tips on how to achieve top grades for this exam.
- Presentation
- • 3 pages •
Final copy of a GCSE Englis speaking exam speech, that achieved a distinction. Includes top ten tips on how to achieve top grades for this exam.