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Best selling Data Science for Business notes
Full summary of Data Science for Business (ch 1-14) (Grade 8,5)
- Summary • 57 pages • 2020 Popular
- $11.36
- 76x sold
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Full summary of the book 'Data science for business' including graphs and pictures from the book!
Data science for business Book & Lecture slides
- Summary • 58 pages • 2019 Popular
- $7.58
- 51x sold
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Lecture slides and summary of the book
Complete summary strategy analytics book & lecture
- Summary • 64 pages • 2020 Popular
- $9.19
- 23x sold
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This summary comprises all subjects for the course strategy analytics, containing both summary of the book and lecture notes.
Do you also write study notes yourself? Put them up for sale and earn every time your document is purchased.
Summary course Strategy Analytics (Grade Assignments 9)
- Summary • 39 pages • 2021 Popular
- $11.10
- 16x sold
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Complete summary of: 
- Book: Data Science for Business (Provost & Fawcett) 
- Case studies summary and answers (P. Snoeren) 
 All exam materials needed next to the lecture slides!
Machine Learning (Data Mining) - Samenvatting (slides en handboek)
- Summary • 129 pages • 2023 Popular
- $9.75
- 13x sold
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Behaalde score: (17/20); Kwalitatieve, uitgebreide, duidelijke, allesomvattende (alle behandelde hoofdstukken) (128p) samenvatting (in Engels) van het vak Data Mining gebaseerd op het handboek, eigen notities en de slides. Recentelijk geschreven en gebruikt (2022).
Summary Big data management & Analytics. Grade: 8.8
- Summary • 84 pages • 2020 Popular
- Available in package deal
- $5.41
- 11x sold
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Summary of the course BDMA. Grade achieved: 8.8
Full Summary of Chapters and Lecture Slides Data Science for Business
- Summary • 147 pages • 2023 Popular
- Available in package deal
- $14.40
- 10x sold
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Are you struggling to keep up with the Data Science course? Do you find it challenging to stay on top of all the lecture material and required readings and does it take you an incredible amount of time the summaries all chapters from the book? Look no further than this complete and detailed summary! 
This comprehensive document includes all lecture slides and a detailed summary of every chapter from the textbook, Data Science for Business by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett. This document is th...
Summary Strategy Analytics
- Summary • 43 pages • 2020 Popular
- $7.58
- 9x sold
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Summary of all the lectures WITH additional information from the book added to each concept. The most complete summary you will get that helps you receiving a high grade
Summary Data Science for Business - Provost & Fawcett
- Summary • 53 pages • 2020 Popular
- $4.33
- 8x sold
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Extensive summary for the Data Science for Business course, Based on the book Data Science for Business (Provost & Fawcett). 
Chapters included are Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Machine Learning - Summary
- Summary • 64 pages • 2024 Popular
- $11.37
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A detailed summary of the lessons of Machine Learning taught by David Martens at the University of Antwerp. This is a summary of my own notes, the slides and the book Data Science for Business.
Newest Data Science for Business summaries
Strategy Analytics Notes + Book
- Class notes • 45 pages • 2024 New
- $6.84
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The document has all my notes from the classes and videos. I integrated all the book parts that were missing from the lectures, but I would recommend reading the chapter the professor requires before class, it makes things easier. The case studies are missing. My final grade for the exam was 8,42, and I only studied these notes
Machine Learning - Summary
- Summary • 64 pages • 2024 New
- $11.37
- 8x sold
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A detailed summary of the lessons of Machine Learning taught by David Martens at the University of Antwerp. This is a summary of my own notes, the slides and the book Data Science for Business.
Machine Learning (Data Mining) - Samenvatting (slides en handboek)
- Summary • 129 pages • 2023 New
- $9.75
- 13x sold
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Behaalde score: (17/20); Kwalitatieve, uitgebreide, duidelijke, allesomvattende (alle behandelde hoofdstukken) (128p) samenvatting (in Engels) van het vak Data Mining gebaseerd op het handboek, eigen notities en de slides. Recentelijk geschreven en gebruikt (2022).
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- Exam (elaborations) • 8 pages • 2023 New
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- $9.99
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Study this example: 
Copy and paste the provided R source code into an R markdown file and make it run. 
Weave an explanation of the model and it's conculsions into your markdown file.
- Exam (elaborations) • 37 pages • 2023 New
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- $9.99
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Using Chapter 5, we will experiment with association analysis.
- Exam (elaborations) • 38 pages • 2023 New
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- $9.99
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Using Chapter 4, let's look at other ways to do classification - nearest neighbors, decisions trees, support vector machines, even neural nets.
- Exam (elaborations) • 32 pages • 2023 New
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- $9.99
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Using Chapter 3, let's about classification. This week we will be using the zoo dataset, another common dataset among data mining classes.
- Exam (elaborations) • 49 pages • 2023 New
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- $9.99
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Using Chapter 2, let's learn how to explore data. We will be using the Iris dataset which is commonly one of the first datasets used in data mining classes.
- Exam (elaborations) • 2 pages • 2023 New
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- $9.99
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Edit the provided R Markdown document so that It contains your name and then knit it as HTML.
- Exam (elaborations) • 3 pages • 2023 New
- Available in package deal
- $9.99
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We will be using examples from the book An R Companion for Introduction to Data Mining by Michael Hahsler. 
Every week you will be assigned a new example from this book. The instructions for each week are identical: 
copy and paste the source code into R studio and run it. 
understand what it does, 
explain how the dataset is processed, 
generate every graph, etc. 
document your work in an R Markdown document.
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