Test Bank Essentials of Nursing
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Leadership & Management 7th Edition
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Sally A. Weiss Complete All Chapters
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2024 wn
,Chapter wn1: wnNursing wnLeadership wnand
Management wnMULTIPLE wnCHOICE
1. According wnto wnHenri wnFayol, wnthe wnfunctions wnof wnplanning, wnorganizing, wncoordinating, wnand
wncontrolling wnare wnconsidered wnwhich wnaspect wnof wnmanagement?
a. Roles
b. Process
c. Functions
d. Taxonomy
ANS: wnB, wnThe wnmanagement wnprocess wnincludes wnplanning, wnorganizing, wncoordinating, wnand wncontrolling. wnManagement
wnroles wninclude wninformation wnprocessing, wninterpersonal wnrelationships, wnand wndecision wnmaking. wnManagement wnfunctions
wninclude wnplanning, wnorganizing, wnstaffing, wndirecting, wncoordinating, wnreporting, wnand wnbudgeting. wnA wntaxonomy wnis wna
wnsystem wnthat wnorders wnprinciples wninto wna wngrouping wnor wnclassification.
2. Which wnof wnthe wnfollowing wnis wnconsidered wna wndecisional wnmanagerial wnrole?
a. Disseminator
b. Figurehead
c. Leader
d. Entrepreneur
ANS: wnD, wnThe wndecisional wnmanagerial wnroles wninclude wnentrepreneur, wndisturbance wnhandler, wnallocator wnof wnresources,
wnand wnnegotiator. wnThe wninformation wnprocessing wnmanagerial wnroles wninclude wnmonitor, wndisseminator, wnand wnspokesperson.
wnThe wninterpersonal wnmanagerial wnroles wninclude wnfigurehead, wnleader, wnand wnliaison.
3. A wnnurse wnmanager w n meets w n regularly w n with wnother w n nurse w n managers, w n participates w n on
wnthe wnorganizations wncommittees, wnand wnattends wnmeetings wnsponsored wnby wnprofessional
wnorganizations wnin wnorder wnto wnmanage wnrelationships. wnThese wnactivities wnare wnconsidered wnwhich
wnfunction wnof wna wnmanager?
a. Informing
b. Problem wnsolving
c. Monitoring
d. Networking
ANS: wnD, wnThe wnrole wnfunctions wnto wnmanage wnrelationships wnare wnnetworking, wnsupporting, wndeveloping wnand wnmentoring,
wnmanaging wnconflict wnand wnteam wnbuilding, wnmotivating wnand wninspiring, wnrecognizing, wnand wnrewarding. wnThe wnrole
wnfunctions wnto wnmanage wnthe wnwork wnare wnplanning wnand wnorganizing, wnproblem wnsolving, wnclarifying wnroles wnand
wnobjectives, wninforming, wn monitoring, wnconsulting, wnand wndelegating.
4. A wnnurse wnwas wnrecently wnpromoted wnto wna wnmiddle-level wnmanager wnposition. wnThe wnnurses
wntitle wnwould wnmost wnlikely wnbe wnwhich wnof wnthe wnfollowing?
a. First-line wnmanager
b. Director
c. Vice wnpresident wnof wnpatient wncare wnservices
d. Chief wnnurse wnexecutive
ANS: wnB, wnA wnmiddle-level wnmanager wnis wncalled wna wndirector. wnA wnlow wnmanagerial- wnlevel wnjob wnis wncalled wnthe wnfirst-line
wnmanager. wnA wnnurse wnin wnan wnexecutive wnlevel wnrole wnis wncalled wna wnchief wnnurse wnexecutive wnor wnvice wnpresident wnof
wnpatient wncare wnservices.
5. A wnnurse wnmanager wnwho wnuses wnFrederick wnTaylors wnscientific wnmanagement wnapproach, wnwould
, most wnlikely wnfocus wnon wnwhich wnof wnthe wnfollowing?
, a. General wnprinciples
b. Positional wnauthority
c. Labor wnproductivity
d. Impersonal wnrelations
ANS: wnC, wnThe wnarea wnof wnfocus wnfor wnscientific wnmanagement wnis wnlabor wnproductivity. wnIn wnbureaucratic wntheory, wnefficiency
wnis wnachieved wnthrough wnimpersonal wnrelations wnwithin wna wnformal wnstructure wnand wnis wnbased wnon wnpositional wnauthority.
wnAdministrative wnprinciple wntheory wnconsists wnof wnprinciples wnof wnmanagement wnthat wnare wnrelevant wnto wnany wnorganization.
6. According wnto wnVrooms wnTheory wnof wnMotivation, wnforce:
a. is wnthe wnperceived wnpossibility wnthat wnthe wngoal wnwill wnbe wnachieved.
b. describes wnthe wnamount wnof wneffort wnone wnwill wnexert wnto wnreach wnones wngoal.
c. describes wnpeople wnwho wnhave wnfree wnwill wnbut wnchoose wnto wncomply wnwith wnorders wnthey wnare wngiven.
d. is wna wnnaturally wnforming wnsocial wngroup wnthat wn can wnbecome wn a wncontributor wnto wnan wnorganization.
ANS: wnB, wnAccording wnto wnVrooms wnTheory wnof wnMotivation, wnForce wndescribes wnthe wnamount wnof wneffort wnone wnwill wnexert
wnto wnreach wnones wngoal. wnValence wnspeaks wnto wnthe wnlevel wnof wnattractiveness wnor wnunattractiveness wnof wnthe wngoal.
wnExpectancy wnis wnthe wnperceived wnpossibility wnthat wnthe wngoal wnwill wnbe wnachieved. wnVrooms wnTheory wnof wnMotivation wncan
wnbe wndemonstrated wnin wnthe wnform wnof wnan wnequation: wnForce wn= wnValence wnExpectancy wn(Vroom, wn1964). wnThe wntheory
wnproposes wnthat wnthis wnequation wncan wnhelp wnto wnpredict wnthe wnmotivation, wnor wnforce, wnof wnan wnindividual wnas wndescribed wnby
7. According wnto wnR. wnN. wnLussier, wnmotivation:
a. is wnunconsciously wndemonstrated wnby wnpeople.
b. occurs wnexternally wn to wninfluence wnbehavior.
c. is wndetermined wnby wnothers wnchoices.
d. occurs wninternally wnto wninfluence wnbehavior.
ANS: wnD, wnMotivation wnis wna wnprocess wnthat wnoccurs wninternally wnto wninfluence wnand wndirect wnour wnbehavior wnin wnorder wnto
wnsatisfy wnneeds. wnMotivation wnis wnnot wnexplicitly wndemonstrated wnby wnpeople, wnbut wnrather wnit wnis wninterpreted wnfrom wntheir
wnbehavior. wnMotivation wnis wnwhatever wninfluences wnour wnchoices wnand wncreates wndirection, wnintensity, wnand wnpersistence wnin
wnour wnbehavior.
8. According wnto wnR. wnN. wnLussier, wnthere wnare wncontent wnmotivation wntheories wnand wnprocess
wnmotivation wntheories. wnWhich wnof wnthe wnfollowing wnis wnconsidered wna wnprocess wnmotivation
a. Equity wntheory
b. Hierarchy wnof wnneeds wntheory
c. Existence-relatedness-growth wntheory
d. Hygiene wnmaintenance wn and wnmotivation wnfactors
ANS: wnA, wnThe wnprocess wnmotivation wntheories wnare wnequity wntheory wnand wnexpectancy wntheory. wnThe wncontent wnmotivation
wntheories wninclude wnMaslows wnhierarchy wnof wnneeds wntheory, wnAldefers wnexistence- wnrelatedness-growth wn(ERG) wntheory,
wnand wnHerzbergs wnhygiene wnmaintenance wnfactors wnand wnmotivation wnfactors.
9. The wntheory wnthat wnincludes wnmaintenance wnand wnmotivation wnfactors wnis:
a. Maslows wnhierarchy wnof wnneeds.
b. Herzbergs wntwo-factor wntheory.
c. McGregors wntheory wnX wnand wntheory wnY.
d. Ouchis wntheory wnZ.