Test Bank Essentials of Nursing
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wr Leadership & Management 7th Edition
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wr Sally A. Weiss Complete All Chapters
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2024 wr
,Chapter wr1: wrNursing wrLeadership wrand
Management wrMULTIPLE wrCHOICE
1. According wrto wrHenri wrFayol, wrthe wrfunctions wrof wrplanning, wrorganizing, wrcoordinating, wrand
wrcontrolling wrare wrconsidered wrwhich wraspect wrof wrmanagement?
a. Roles
b. Process
c. Functions
d. Taxonomy
ANS: wrB, wrThe wrmanagement wrprocess wrincludes wrplanning, wrorganizing, wrcoordinating, wrand wrcontrolling. wrManagement
wrroles wrinclude wrinformation wrprocessing, wrinterpersonal wrrelationships, wrand wrdecision wrmaking. wrManagement wrfunctions
wrinclude wrplanning, wrorganizing, wrstaffing, wrdirecting, wrcoordinating, wrreporting, wrand wrbudgeting. wrA wrtaxonomy wris wra
wrsystem wrthat wrorders wrprinciples wrinto wra wrgrouping wror wrclassification.
2. Which wrof wrthe wrfollowing wris wrconsidered wra wrdecisional wrmanagerial wrrole?
a. Disseminator
b. Figurehead
c. Leader
d. Entrepreneur
ANS: wrD, wrThe wrdecisional wrmanagerial wrroles wrinclude wrentrepreneur, wrdisturbance wrhandler, wrallocator wrof wrresources, wrand
wrnegotiator. wrThe wrinformation wrprocessing wrmanagerial wrroles wrinclude wrmonitor, wrdisseminator, wrand wrspokesperson. wrThe
wrinterpersonal wrmanagerial wrroles wr include wrfigurehead, wrleader, wrand wrliaison.
3. A wrnurse wrmanager w r meets w r regularly w r with wrother w r nurse w r managers, w r participates w r on wrthe
wrorganizations wrcommittees, wrand wrattends wrmeetings wrsponsored wrby wrprofessional wrorganizations
wrin wrorder wrto wrmanage wrrelationships. wrThese wractivities wrare wrconsidered wrwhich wrfunction wrof wra
a. Informing
b. Problem wrsolving
c. Monitoring
d. Networking
ANS: wrD, wrThe wrrole wrfunctions wrto wrmanage wrrelationships wrare wrnetworking, wrsupporting, wrdeveloping wrand wrmentoring,
wrmanaging wrconflict wrand wrteam wrbuilding, wrmotivating wrand wrinspiring, wrrecognizing, wrand wrrewarding. wrThe wrrole wrfunctions
wrto wrmanage wrthe wrwork wrare wrplanning wrand wrorganizing, wrproblem wrsolving, wrclarifying wrroles wrand wrobjectives, wrinforming,
wrmonitoring, wrconsulting, wrand wrdelegating.
4. A wrnurse wrwas wrrecently wrpromoted wrto wra wrmiddle-level wrmanager wrposition. wrThe wrnurses
wrtitle wrwould wrmost wrlikely wrbe wrwhich wrof wrthe wrfollowing?
a. First-line wrmanager
b. Director
c. Vice wrpresident wrof wrpatient wrcare wrservices
d. Chief wrnurse wrexecutive
ANS: wrB, wrA wrmiddle-level wrmanager wris wrcalled wra wrdirector. wrA wrlow wrmanagerial- wrlevel wrjob wris wrcalled wrthe wrfirst-line
wrmanager. wrA wrnurse wrin wran wrexecutive wrlevel wrrole wris wrcalled wra wrchief wrnurse wrexecutive wror wrvice wrpresident wrof wrpatient
wrcare wrservices.
5. A wrnurse wrmanager wrwho wruses wrFrederick wrTaylors wrscientific wrmanagement wrapproach, wrwould
,wr most wrlikely wrfocus wron wrwhich wrof wrthe wrfollowing?
, a. General wrprinciples
b. Positional wrauthority
c. Labor wrproductivity
d. Impersonal wrrelations
ANS: wrC, wrThe wrarea wrof wrfocus wrfor wrscientific wrmanagement wris wrlabor wrproductivity. wrIn wrbureaucratic wrtheory, wrefficiency wris
wrachieved wrthrough wrimpersonal wrrelations wrwithin wra wrformal wrstructure wrand wris wrbased wron wrpositional wrauthority.
wrAdministrative wrprinciple wrtheory wrconsists wrof wrprinciples wrof wrmanagement wrthat wrare wrrelevant wrto wrany wr organization.
6. According wrto wrVrooms wrTheory wrof wrMotivation, wrforce:
a. is wrthe wrperceived wrpossibility wrthat wrthe wrgoal wrwill wrbe wrachieved.
b. describes wrthe wramount wrof wreffort wrone wrwill wrexert wrto wrreach wrones wrgoal.
c. describes wrpeople wrwho wrhave wrfree wrwill wrbut wrchoose wrto wrcomply wrwith wrorders wrthey wrare wrgiven.
d. is wra wrnaturally wrforming wrsocial wrgroup wrthat wrcan wrbecome wr a wrcontributor wr to wran wrorganization.
ANS: wrB, wrAccording wrto wrVrooms wrTheory wrof wrMotivation, wrForce wrdescribes wrthe wramount wrof wreffort wrone wrwill wrexert wrto
wrreach wrones wrgoal. wrValence wrspeaks wrto wrthe wrlevel wrof wrattractiveness wror wrunattractiveness wrof wrthe wrgoal. wrExpectancy wris
wrthe wrperceived wrpossibility wrthat wrthe wrgoal wrwill wrbe wrachieved. wrVrooms wrTheory wrof wrMotivation wrcan wrbe wrdemonstrated
wrin wrthe wrform wrof wran wrequation: wr Force wr= wrValence wrExpectancy wr(Vroom, wr1964). wrThe wrtheory wrproposes wrthat wrthis
wrequation wrcan wrhelp wrto wrpredict wr the wrmotivation, wror wrforce, wrof wran wrindividual wras wrdescribed wrby wrVroom.
7. According wrto wrR. wrN. wrLussier, wrmotivation:
a. is wrunconsciously wrdemonstrated wrby wrpeople.
b. occurs wrexternally wr to wrinfluence wrbehavior.
c. is wrdetermined wrby wrothers wrchoices.
d. occurs wrinternally wrto wrinfluence wrbehavior.
ANS: wrD, wrMotivation wris wra wrprocess wrthat wroccurs wrinternally wrto wrinfluence wrand wrdirect wrour wrbehavior wrin wrorder wrto
wrsatisfy wrneeds. wrMotivation wris wrnot wrexplicitly wrdemonstrated wrby wrpeople, wrbut wrrather writ wris wrinterpreted wr from wrtheir
wrbehavior. wrMotivation wris wrwhatever wrinfluences wrour wrchoices wrand wrcreates wrdirection, wrintensity, wrand wrpersistence wrin wrour
8. According wrto wrR. wrN. wrLussier, wrthere wrare wrcontent wrmotivation wrtheories wrand wrprocess
wrmotivation wrtheories. wrWhich wrof wrthe wrfollowing wris wrconsidered wra wrprocess wrmotivation
a. Equity wrtheory
b. Hierarchy wrof wrneeds wrtheory
c. Existence-relatedness-growth wrtheory
d. Hygiene wrmaintenance wr and wrmotivation wrfactors
ANS: wrA, wrThe wrprocess wrmotivation wrtheories wrare wrequity wrtheory wrand wrexpectancy wrtheory. wrThe wrcontent wrmotivation
wrtheories wrinclude wrMaslows wrhierarchy wrof wrneeds wrtheory, wrAldefers wrexistence- wrrelatedness-growth wr(ERG) wrtheory, wrand
wrHerzbergs wrhygiene wrmaintenance wrfactors wrand wrmotivation wrfactors.
9. The wrtheory wrthat wrincludes wrmaintenance wrand wrmotivation wrfactors wris:
a. Maslows wrhierarchy wrof wrneeds.
b. Herzbergs wrtwo-factor wrtheory.
c. McGregors wrtheory wrX wrand wrtheory wrY.
d. Ouchis wrtheory wrZ.