Davis Advantage Basic Nursing: Thinking, Doing,
ar ar ar ar ar ar
and Caring 3rd Edition TreasWilkinson Test
ar ar ar ar ar ar ar
,Chapter ar 1 ar Evolution ar of arNursing ar Thought a r & arAction
Multiple ar Choice
Identify arthe archoice ar that arbest a r completes arthe a r statement aror ar answers arthe arquestion.
1. What aris arthe armost arinfluential arfactor arthat arhas arshaped arthe
arnursing arprofession? ar1)
Physicians arneed arfor
arhandmaidens ar2)
Societal arneed arfor arhealthcare aroutside arthe
arhome ar3)
Military ardemand arfor arnurses arin arthe arfield
ar4) arGerm artheory arinfluence aron
arsanitation arANS: ar3
Throughout arthe arcenturies, arstability arof arthe argovernment arhas arbeen arrelated arto arthe arsuccess
arof arthe armilitary arto arprotect aror arextend arits ardomain. arAs arthe arsurvival arand arwell-being arof
arsoldiers aris a r critical, arnurses arprovided arhealthcare arto arthe arsick arand arinjured arat ar the arbattle
arsite. arThe arphysicians arhandmaiden a r was/is a r a a r nursing a r stereotype a r rather a r than a r an
a r influence a r on a r nursing. arAlthough arthere arhas arbeen arneed arfor arhealthcare aroutside arthe
arhome arthroughout arhistory, arthis arhas armore arinfluence aron arthe ardevelopment arof arhospitals
arthan aron arnursing; arthis arneed arprovided arone armore arsetting arfor arnursing arwork. arGerm artheory
arand arsanitation arhelped arto arimprove arhealthcare arbut ardid arnot arshape arnursing.
PTS: ar1 arDIF: arModerate arREF: ardm ar910 arKEY: arNursing arprocess: arN/A arClient arneed: arN/A ar|
arCognitive arlevel: arRecall
2. Which arof arthe arfollowing aris aran arexample arof aran arillness arprevention aractivity?
arSelect arall arthat arapply.
Encouraging arthe aruse arof ara arfood
ardiary ar2)
Joining ara arcancer arsupport
argroup ar3)
Administering arimmunization arfor arHPV
Teaching ara ardiabetic arpatient arabout arhis ardiet
arANS: ar3
Administering arimmunization arfor arHPV aris aran arexample arof arillness arprevention. arAlthough
arcancer aris ara ardisease, arit aris arassumed arthat ara arperson arjoining ara arsupport argroup arwould
aralready arhave arthe ardisease; artherefore, arthis aris arnot ardisease arprevention arbut artreatment.
arIllness-prevention aractivities arfocus a r on a r avoiding ara a r specific a r disease. arA arfood a r diary aris a r a
a r health-promotion aractivity. arTeaching ara a r diabetic a r patient arabout a r diet a r is ara a r treatment a r for
a r diabetes; a r the a r patient aralready arhas a r diabetes, a r so arit arcannot arprevent ardiabetes.
PTS: ar1 arDIF: arModerate arREF: arp. ar18; arhigh-level arquestion, arnot ardirectly arstated arin artext arKEY:
arNursing arprocess: arN/A ar| arClient arneed: arHPM ar| arCognitive arlevel: arApplication
3. Which arof arthe arfollowing arcontributions arof arFlorence arNightingale arhad
aran arimmediate arimpact aron arimproving arpatients arhealth?
Providing ara arclean
arenvironment ar2)
,Improving arnursing areducation
Changing arthe ardelivery arof arcare arin
arhospitals ar4)
Establishing arnursing aras ara ardistinct
arprofession arANS: ar1
Improved arsanitation ar(a arclean arenvironment) argreatly arand arimmediately arreduced arthe arrate
arof arinfection arand armortality arin arhospitals. arThe arother arresponses arare arall aractivities arof
arFlorence arNightingale arthat arimproved arhealthcare aror arnursing, arbut arthe arimpact aris arlong
arrange, arnot arimmediate.
PTS: ar1 arDIF: arEasy arREF: arV1, arp. ar3; arstudent armust arinfer arfrom arcontent ar| arV1, arp. ar10;
arstudent armust arinfer arfrom arcontent
KEY: arNursing ar process: arN/A ar| arClient ar need: ar SECE ar | ar Cognitive ar level: arApplication
4. All arof arthe arfollowing arare araspects arof arthe arfull-spectrum arnursing arrole. arWhich
arone aris aressential arfor arthe arnurse arto ardo arin arorder arto arsuccessfully arcarry arout arall arthe
Thinking arand arreasoning arabout arthe arclients
arcare ar2)
Providing arhands-on arclient
arcare ar3)
Carrying arout arphysician arorders
Delegating arto arassistive
arpersonnel arANS: ar1
A arsubstantial arportion arof arthe arnursing arrole arinvolves arusing arclinical arjudgment, arcritical
arthinking, arand arproblem arsolving, arwhich ardirectly araffect arthe arcare arthe arclient arwill
aractually arreceive. arProviding arhands-on arcare aris arimportant; arhowever, arclinical arjudgment,
arcritical arthinking, arand ar problem arsolving arare aressential arto ardo arit arsuccessfully. arCarrying
arout arphysician arorders ar is ara arsmall arpart arof ara arnurses arrole; arit, artoo, arrequires arnursing
arassessment, arplanning, arintervention, arand arevaluation. arMany arsimple arnursing artasks arare
arbeing ardelegated arto arnursing arassistive arpersonnel; ardelegation arrequires arcareful ar analysis
arof arpatient arstatus arand arthe arappropriateness arof arsupport arpersonnel arto ardeliver arcare.
arAnother arway arto aranalyze arthis a r question aris arthat arnone arof arthe aroptions arof arproviding
arhands-on arcare, arcarrying arout arphysician arorders, arand ardelegating arto arassistive arpersonnel
aris arrequired arfor arthe arnurse arto arthink arand arreason arabout ara arclients arcare; arso arthe aranswer
armust arbe ar1.
PTS:1DIFifficultREF: arp. ar11
KEY: ar Nursing arprocess: ar N/A ar| arClient ar need: ar N/A ar| ar Cognitive ar level: arAnalysis
5. Which ar statement a r pertaining ar to ar Benners ar practice a r model ar for a r clinical a r competence
is artrue?
Progression arthrough ar the ar stages ar is ar constant, ar with armost ar nurses ar reaching ar the ar proficient
a r stage.
Progression arthrough arthe arstages arinvolves arcontinual ardevelopment arof arthinking arand artechnical
The arnurse armust arhave arexperience arin armany arareas arbefore arbeing arconsidered aran
arexpert. ar4)
, The arnurses arprogress arthrough arthe arstages aris ardetermined arby aryears arof arexperience arand
arskills. arANS: ar2
Movement ar through ar the ar stages ar is ar not ar constant. ar Benners ar model ar is ar based ar on arintegration ar of