Gwinnett Technical College
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A disinfectant is an agent, usually a chemical, that _________ of disease-producing organisms. a. kills growing forms and endospore forms b. inhibits vegetative cells c. inhibits vegetative cells and kills endospores d. kills growing cells but not necessarily endosporespore forms - Answer d. kills growing cells but not necessarily endosporespore forms Which of the following are sources of chemotherapeutic agents? a. synthetic preparations b. by-products of bacterial metabolism ...
Portal`s of both Entry and Exit in the body - Answer Skin, Mucous membrane, parenteral route Mucous membrane - Answer Conjunctiva, Genitourinary Tract, Respiratory Tract, Gastrointestinal Tract Skin - Answer Hair follicles, Sweat Gland Ducts Parenteral route - Answer Surgery, Deep wounds, Injections Each of the following scenarios describes factors that influence infection at the portal of entry. For each scenario, determine whether the pathogen's ability to cause infe...
characteristics of viruses - Answer acellular, consist of DNA or RNA, surrounded by a protein coat by changing the metabolism of the invaded cell - Answer How do viruses grow? spontaneous generation - Answer believed that living organisms came from non-living material Leeuwenhook - Answer Father of Microbiology; observed the first microorganisms; coined the term cell Semmelweis - Answer importance of handwashing Lister - Answer infection control; put phenol on ba...
genetics - Answer study of inheritable traits expressed in an organism's genetic material genome - Answer sum of all genetic material in a cell or virus gene - Answer specific sequence of nucleotides coding for an RNA molecule genetic code - Answer sequences of 3 nucleotides called codons that specify which amino acid will be added next during protein synthesis genotype - Answer the genes inherited by an organism phenotype - Answer physical features and functi...
What is the cause of buboes and black necrotic tissue - Answer Yersenia pestis plague gram neg reservoir-rat transmitted-flea ribosomes in eukaryotes - Answer 80S (60S and 40S) ribosomes in prokaryotes - Answer 70S (50S and 30S) Ribosomes in Eukaryotes vs. Prokaryotes - Answer only organelle in both ribosomes which disease causes black vomit? - Answer yellow fever which bacteria produces urease? - Answer helicobacter pylori Why does H. pylori produce u...
Actinomycetes differ from fungi in that actinomycetes a. require light. b. cause disease. c. are chemoheterotrophs. d. lack a membrane-bounded nucleus e. are decomposers - Answer d. lack a membrane-bounded nucleus A primary difference between cyanobacteria and other photosynthetic bacteria is a. cell type. b. color. c. ability to produce oxygen. d. energy source. e. cell wall type. - Answer c. ability to produce oxygen You have isolated a bacterium that grows in a medium c...
Catalase Test - Answer 1. Obtain a clean glass slide 2. Using loop, aseptically smear small amount on to one side of the slide then the other 3. Add one or two drops of hydrogen peroxide to each bacteria. 4. Observe results. Bacteria that make catalase will cause solution to bubble. Catalase Test purpose - Answer Differential Test To determine which bacteria has the catalase to breakdown hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water; also used to differentiate gram positive, however many ...
Where we get antimicrobials - Answer From nature bacteria in streptomyces and bacillus and molds in the genre penicillin and cephalosporium. antimicrobial susceptibility tests - Answer Kirby Bauer test /e test Selective toxicity - Answer Should kill or inhibit microbial cells without simultaneously damaging host tissues Major targets of antimicrobial agents - Answer ribosomes comma cytoplasm, cell wall, cell membrane, DNA / RNA Broad-spectrum antimicrobials - Answer ef...
Which of the following is true in a host-to-host epidemic? a) Incidence of disease rises quickly, and declines equally quickly b) Incidence of disease rises slowly, and declines equally slowly c) Incidence of disease is stable among a susceptible population d) Incidence of disease is difficult to calculate since you have multiple modes of transmission - Answer b) Incidence of disease rises slowly, and declines equally slowly What are Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase? a) Anti-viral anti...
What do we call antibiotics that kill gram negative and gram positive bacteria? - Answer Broad spectrum drugs (antibiotics) are effective against both gram negative and gram positive bacteria. What do we call it when we give the patient 2 or 3 different antibiotics a once? Why would we do that? - Answer Combination chemotherapy. Pathogens are capable of becoming resistant to a single agent, but combination chemotherapy (using more than one drug) makes it more difficult for the pathogen ...