University Of Maryland - College Park
Latest uploads at University Of Maryland - College Park. Looking for notes at University Of Maryland - College Park? We have lots of notes, study guides and study notes available for your school.
All courses for University Of Maryland - College Park
- ENME 361 vibration, controls and optimization ENME361 1
- ENME 382 Introduction to Materials Engineering ENME382 7
- ENME 400 Machine Design ENME400 2
- ENME 462 Vibrations, Controls and Optimization 2 ENME462 2
- ENME 462 Vibrations, Controls, and Optimization II ENME462 4
- ENME392: Statistical Methods for Product and Processes Development ENME392 1
- ENME445 Reliability Engineering ENME445 1
- ENME472 Integrated Product and Process Development ENME472 1
Latest notes & summaries University Of Maryland - College Park
In-depth review of the 17th chapter of microeconomics: International Trade.
In-depth review of the final chapter of microeconomics: externalities.
In-depth review of the final chapter of microeconomics: public goods and common resources.
In-depth review of the final chapter of microeconomics: taxes and the public budget.
1. It is appropriate for the Army to acquire lawn cutting services through 
the Project Order Statute. 
4 points 
1. The proper amount of money to obligate at the award of a firm fixedprice contract is: 
The full amount of the contract. 
Nothing until the contractor performs the required work. 
Half of the total liability. 
A conservative amount based on the government’s estimated 
future requirements. 
4 points 
1. How long does the Department of Defen...
This document is a summary of topics included in the 3rd test in Mechanics 1, such as buckling, trusses, and frames and machines. In addition, I included units that go together, useful measurements, and safety factor and yield force equations. For buckling, as well as an example problem, I noted k values, angle equations, and inertia. For trusses, I have example problems for the method of sections, method of joints, and section cuts, as well as zero force and 2 force member rules. For frames and...
This document is a summary of the main topics in stepped bars, oblique planes, inertia, and mechanics equations that determine the properties of load (i.e. normal stress, axial forces, shear forces, modulus of rigidity, change in length and diameter, safety factor etc.). In addition, I've included problems in these units on the second page.
This document summarizes the main topics of Mechanics 1, while also including more on 3D vectors, 3D equilibrium, friction (slipping and tipping), and coordinate direction angles with a few examples. I have included useful measurements, units that go together, and the reaction forces for 3D supports. The main topics of mechanics that I summarized include sign conventions, inertia, distributed loads, axial, shear and yield force equations, buckling, and forces on oblique planes equations.
This document is an overall summary of the topics of the first test in ENES 102 (Mechanics 1), which was 2D particle equilibrium, rigid body equilibrium, and internal forces. I noted the main ideas used to solve these problems while also including notes for distributed loads, pullies, and springs. This was my summary sheet for the first mechanics test.
This document consists of general summaries on units in CHEM135. It describes main points and topics covered in each unit, which is divided into modules (I had Dr. Rainbolt, where he divided his units into modules). This document can be used to review and study before the final exam.