Fundamentals of nutrition (BIOL108)
St. John Fisher College
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this included the notes and review sheet for chapter 6 these study material closely follow chapter 6 in the nutrition and you textbook.

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these have all my notes and all of my matching review sheets for nutrition and A&P 2. 
nutrition covers the nutrition and you textbook very closely for chapters 1-11
A&P 2 covers the person anatomy and physiology it covers the all of the units starting at endocrine. 
you can look at the different sheets for more in-depth info about what they cover
these notes and review sheets closely follow each other and the nutrition and you textbook chapters 1-11
these are all the class notes from chapters 1-11
these notes and review sheet closely follow the nutrition and you textbook for chapter 8 which covers minerals.
these closely follow the nutrition and you textbook for chapter 7 which covers vitamins. includes both the review sheet and the notes
this closely follows the nutrition and you textbook for chapter 4 that covers carbs, has the notes and the review sheet.

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