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Résumés des meilleures ventes pour Biochemistry
Samenvatting opgeloste examenvragen Biochemie VUB
- Resume • 118 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
- €8,49
- 15x vendu
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Samenvatting biochemie 
Prof. Steyaert 
2de Bachelor Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen
Metabolism summary lectures
- Resume • 48 pages • 2020 Très apprécié
Disponible en pack
- €4,49
- 5x vendu
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Summary of the lectures and part of the book of the course metabolism given in the first year of biology.
TEST BANK for Biochemistry 10th Edition by Jeremy Berg; Gregory Gatto Jr.; Justin Hines; John L. Tymoczko; Lubert Stryer (Complete Chapter 1-32)
- Examen • 356 pages • 2023 Très apprécié
- €30,49
- 3x vendu
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TEST BANK for Biochemistry 10th Edition by Jeremy Berg; Gregory Gatto Jr.; Justin Hines; John L. Tymoczko; Lubert Stryer _TABLE OF CONTENTS_ 1 Biochemistry in Space and Time 2 Protein Comp osition and Structure 3 Binding and Molecular Recognition 4 Protein Methods 5 Enzymes: Core Concepts and Kinetics 6 Enzyme Catalytic Strategies 7 Enzyme Regulatory Strategies 8 DNA, RNA, and the Flow of Genetic Information 9 Nucleic Acid Methods 10 Exploring ...
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Samenvatting Metabolisme en Biochemie Deeltentamen 1 & 2
- Resume • 49 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- €7,49
- 2x vendu
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Alle behandelde stof voor deeltentamen 1 en 2 van Metabolisme en Biochemie, inclusief de stof uit de Xerte modules.
Samenvatting Metabolism (WBBY058-05), ISBN :9781319114657
- Resume • 140 pages • 2021 Très apprécié
- €5,49
- 1x vendu
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This summary includes all the information that you need for the course Metabolism. The summary is 140 pages long, because it contains a lot of information, but also a lot of describing pictures which means that you can go fast through it. By reading and understanding this summary you don't even have to watch the lectures and you can be sure of succeeding your Metabolism exam! Good luck :)
Samenvatting module Enzymen
- Notes de cours • 20 pages • 2021 Très apprécié
- €4,99
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Samenvatting van de hoorcolleges gegeven tijdens de module Enzymen op het VHL
Samenvatting Biochemistry, ISBN: 9781319114657 Biochemie (LLS331)
- Resume • 19 pages • 2022 Très apprécié
- €7,49
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Samenvatting biochemie
Organic chemistry
- Notes de cours • 1 pages • 2021 Très apprécié
Disponible en pack
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- 1x vendu
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A summary of the lecture on organic chemistry - describing the various forms of carbon bonding, their properties and orbitals
Enzyme Kinetics
- Notes de cours • 3 pages • 2021 Très apprécié
Disponible en pack
- €3,71
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A summary of the lectures on Michaelis-Menten Enzyme Kinetics including the effects of various enzyme inhibitor types and the differences between them. Gives examples of allosteric effectors and shows the Hanes-Woolfe and Lineweever-Burke plots.
Table of Amino Acid Properties
- Notes de cours • 3 pages • 2021 Très apprécié
Disponible en pack
- €3,71
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A table showing the charge, polarity, typical pKA and any notes mentioned in the respective biochemistry module lectures and textbooks for year 1.
Derniers résumés de Biochemistry
TEST BANK for Biochemistry 10th Edition by Jeremy Berg; Gregory Gatto Jr.; Justin Hines; John L. Tymoczko; Lubert Stryer (Complete Chapter 1-32)
- Examen • 356 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- €30,49
- 3x vendu
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TEST BANK for Biochemistry 10th Edition by Jeremy Berg; Gregory Gatto Jr.; Justin Hines; John L. Tymoczko; Lubert Stryer _TABLE OF CONTENTS_ 1 Biochemistry in Space and Time 2 Protein Comp osition and Structure 3 Binding and Molecular Recognition 4 Protein Methods 5 Enzymes: Core Concepts and Kinetics 6 Enzyme Catalytic Strategies 7 Enzyme Regulatory Strategies 8 DNA, RNA, and the Flow of Genetic Information 9 Nucleic Acid Methods 10 Exploring ...
Samenvatting Geïntegreerd metabolisme (1034FBDBIC)
- Resume • 46 pages • 2023 Nouveau
- Disponible en pack
- €10,49
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Volledige samenvatting van Geïntegreerd metabolisme. Bij het schrijven van de samenvatting werd het lesmateriaal (slides en cursus) en het boek (Biochemistry 9th edition) gebruikt.
Samenvatting Biochemistry, ISBN: 9781319114657 Biochemie (LLS331)
- Resume • 19 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- €7,49
- 1x vendu
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Samenvatting biochemie
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Samenvatting Metabolisme en Biochemie Deeltentamen 1 & 2
- Resume • 49 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- €7,49
- 2x vendu
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Alle behandelde stof voor deeltentamen 1 en 2 van Metabolisme en Biochemie, inclusief de stof uit de Xerte modules.
BIOchemistry (BIO1332)
- Pack • 6 éléments • 2021 Nouveau
- €8,66
- 1x vendu
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A summary of the lecture material for BIO1332 Biochemistry, coving a wide range of topics, likely to be covered in many biochemistry modules. Perfect for revision.
Samenvatting Metabolism (WBBY058-05), ISBN :9781319114657
- Resume • 140 pages • 2021 Nouveau
- €5,49
- 1x vendu
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This summary includes all the information that you need for the course Metabolism. The summary is 140 pages long, because it contains a lot of information, but also a lot of describing pictures which means that you can go fast through it. By reading and understanding this summary you don't even have to watch the lectures and you can be sure of succeeding your Metabolism exam! Good luck :)
Metabolisme & Biochemie werkcollege en self-test antwoorden voor H 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 en 11
- Autre • 12 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- €2,99
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Dit document bevat de antwoorden voor de werkcolleges en self-tests van hoofdstuk 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 en 11.
notities bij powerpoint ''biochemistry" Hoofdstuk 29
- Notes de cours • 54 pages • 2022 Nouveau
- €7,39
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Volledige notities met uitleg bij de powerpoint van professor gijsbers (boek: biochemistry ninth edition)
Samenvatting module Enzymen
- Notes de cours • 20 pages • 2021 Nouveau
- €4,99
- 1x vendu
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Samenvatting van de hoorcolleges gegeven tijdens de module Enzymen op het VHL
Enzyme Kinetics
- Notes de cours • 3 pages • 2021 Nouveau
Disponible en pack
- €3,71
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A summary of the lectures on Michaelis-Menten Enzyme Kinetics including the effects of various enzyme inhibitor types and the differences between them. Gives examples of allosteric effectors and shows the Hanes-Woolfe and Lineweever-Burke plots.
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