Disparities - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Disparities ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 15 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Disparities.
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Summary lectures Health Economics & Policy + elaborate Grossman model explanation
- Notes de cours • 73 pages • 2022
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- €6,49
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Summary of the lectures of the course Health Economics and Policy 2021-2022, provided at the University of Groningen. Includes elaborate explanation on the Grossman model and complex transformations of the model (e.g., taxes, explaining between-SES group disparities). Passed the exam with a 10.0.

Summary literature Science Communication 2.0: Dialogue and Transdisciplinarity
- Resume • 24 pages • 2020
Disponible en pack
- €4,49
- 14x vendu
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Summary of the literature from the course 'Science Communication 2.0: Dialogue and Transdisciplinarity'. The articles summarised:
Week 1:
- Nisbet, M. C., & Scheufele, D. A. (2009). What's next for science communication? 
Promising directions and lingering distractions. American journal of botany, 96(10), 1767-1778.
- Kurath, M., & Gisler, P. (2009). Informing, involving or engaging? Science communication, in the ages of atom-, bio-and nanotechnology. Public Understanding of Science, 18(5), 559-...

Taak 2 Serieus? Zeven jaar verschil in levensverwachting
- Cas • 9 pages • 2020
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- €2,99
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Taak 2 Blok 2 met als leerdoelen:
Leerdoel 1: Wat zijn sociaal economische gezondheidsverschillen?	
Leerdoel 2: Wat zijn de oorzaken/verklaringen van de sociaal economische gezondheidsverschillen? Causatiemodel	
Leerdoel 3: Engelse literatuur kort samenvatten	
Anton Kunst: ‘Sociaal-economische verschillen in sterfte en gezondheid in Nederland. Een overzicht van vorderingen in recent beschrijvend onderzoek’	
Shavers: ‘Measurement of socioeconomic status in health disparities research’	

Exam (elaborations) TEST BANK FOR Maternity & Women’s Health Care 11th
- Examen • 413 pages • 2022
- €12,49
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Exam (elaborations) TEST BANK FOR Maternity & Women’s Health Care 11tth 
Following the agency’s policies and procedures manual is always best when seeking 
information on correct client procedures. These policies should reflect the current standards of 
care and the individual state’s guidelines. Each nurse is responsible for his or her own 
practice. Relying on another nurse may not always be a safe practice. Each nurse is obligated 
to follow the standards of care for safe client car...

An Introduction to the Geography of Health
- Resume • 36 pages • 2018
Disponible en pack
- €4,99
- 10x vendu
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Uitgebreide samenvatting van de verplichte literatuur per college uit het boek: 'An Introduction to the Geography of Health' voor het vak Population, Health and Place van de Master Population Studies aan de Rijkskuniversiteit Groningen. 
>> Comprehensive summary of the compulsory literature per lecture from the book: An Introduction to the Geography of Health for the course Population, Health and Place of the Master Population Studies at the University of Groningen.
>> This is a ...

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