Social cognitive theory - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
Vous recherchez les meilleurs guides d'étude, notes d'étude et résumés sur Social cognitive theory ? Sur cette page, vous trouverez 105 documents pour vous aider à réviser pour Social cognitive theory.
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Understanding Prejudice: an interdisciplinary perspective on intergroup relations Articles Summary + additonal lecture notes
- Resume • 61 pages • 2024
- €6,99
- 12x vendu
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Summary of all articles from the course Understanding Prejudice + additional information from the lectures. 
Topic 1: Social Identity Theory 
• (*) Ellemers, N., & Haslam, S.A. (2012). Social identity theory. In: P. van Lange, A. Kruglanski, & T. 
Higgins (Eds.). Handbook of theories of social psychology (pp. 379-398). London: Sage. 
•Verkuyten, M. (2018). Chapter 3: Social identity. In: Verkuyten, M. The social psychology of ethnic 
identity (2nd ed.). Routlege. 
Morgana Lizzio-Wilson...

Samenvatting Literatuur - Cases in Creative Entrepreneurship (6013B0501Y)
- Resume • 52 pages • 2024
- €8,56
- 4x vendu
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Summary of the articles in Cases in Creative Entrepreneurship: 
-Lampel & Germain (2016): Creative industries as hubs of new organizational and business practices 
-Velthuis (2003): Symbolic Meanings of Prices: Constructing the Value of Contemporary Art in Amsterdam and New York Galleries 
-Bradshaw & Holbrook (2007): Remembering Chet: theorizing the mythology of the self-destructive bohemian artist as self-producer and self-consumer in the market for romanticism 
-Dubois (2012): Recognition a...

Summary Workshops Loss & Psychotrauma
- Resume • 25 pages • 2024
Disponible en pack
- €6,99
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This summary contains all articles for the workshops given in the course Loss & Psychotrauma. It also contains notes from the workshops and the slides. 
The following workshops are included: 
Workshop: Narrative Exposure Therapy - Josita Versteeg 
Article: Narrative exposure therapy for PTSD page 187-205 (Neuer, Elbert & Schauer, 2020) 
Workshop: Treatment of prolonged grief following traumatic loss - Jeroen Knipscheer 
Article: Prolonged grief disorder: Cognitive-behavioral theory and ...

Summary Essential Criminology - Advanced Criminology
- Resume • 27 pages • 2025
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- €6,56
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This summary contains all book chapters that are material for the Advanced Criminology exam at the Utrecht University. 
The chapters that are discussed give a comprehensive overview of various criminological theories. Biological theories, explored in Chapter 4, examine genetic and physiological factors influencing criminal behaviour, contrasting early, flawed studies with contemporary biosocial approaches. Chapter 5 focuses on psychological explanations, covering psychoanalytic, trait-based, ...

Uitgebreide LITERATUURSAMENVATTING van Leren & Cognitie
- Resume • 113 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €7,29
- 6x vendu
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In deze literatuursamenvatting vind je een gedetailleerde samenvatting van alle hoofdstukken uit het boek ''Human Learning'' van Ormrod. De samenvatting is in vraag- en antwoordvorm geschreven, waardoor jij de stof snel leert én jezelf hiermee kan testen! Dubbel zo handig!

Oefentoets leren en cognitie
- Autre • 34 pages • 2023
- €3,99
- 9x vendu
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Deze oefentoets is bedoeld voor studenten die de opleiding Pedagogische wetenschappen/acpa volgen aan Universiteit Leiden en in het 2e leerjaar zitten. 
Het bevat 62 vragen over de stof (die lijken op de vragen uit het tentamen) die wordt getoetst voor het vak leren en cognitie. 
Human Learning, Global Edition 
Naast de antwoorden op de vragen, wordt er beschreven waarom het antwoord juist is.

Summary Articles - Behaviour and Environment 3: Cognition, Attitude & Motivation
- Resume • 37 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €4,39
- 12x vendu
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Here is a summary of all articles (literature) of the course Behaviour & Environment 3. I completed this course with a 8 :) 
-Payne, B. K., & Cameron, C. D. (2013). Implicit social cognition and mental representation. Oxford handbook of social cognition, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, 220-238. 
- Strack, F., & Deutsch, R. (2004). Reflective and impulsive determinants of social behaviour. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 8, 220-247 
- Loersch, C., & Payne, B. K. (201...

ALL Literature Anxiety and Related Disorder (201800817)
- Resume • 68 pages • 2024 Très apprécié
- €14,36
- 4x vendu
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This document consists of ALL literature of the course Anxiety and Related Disorders (). A summary of all articles (3 each week) is provided, with a clear explanation of the different kinds of anxiety, maintaining factors, treatment and the different models.

Complete samenvatting leren en cognitie
- Resume • 47 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- €5,49
- 4x vendu
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Deze samenvatting (+ aantekeningen van hoorcolleges) is bedoeld voor studenten die de opleiding Pedagogische wetenschappen volgen aan Universiteit Leiden en in het 2e leerjaar zitten. Het bevat de stof die wordt getoetst voor het vak leren en cognitie in blok 1. 
Het boek dat hiervoor gebruikt is: human learning, 7e editie 
Isbn: 9781292104386 
Hoofdstuk 1, 3, 4 t/m9, deel van h10 en h11, h12 t/m 15 
- H10: blz 9, 295-297 (key ideas of Piaget), 304-307 (current perspectives Piaget), 312-316...

Comprehensive Book Summary for Intergroup Relations (PSB3E-SP02)
- Resume • 89 pages • 2023
- €7,59
- 14x vendu
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This is a comprehensive summary of all the relevant chapters of the book "Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination" by Kite and Whitley Jr. (3rd edition). It is written in English and contains all important text from the chapters, presented in a neat and organized manner.

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