Sur cette page, vous trouverez tous les documents, offres groupées et cartes mémoire flash proposés par le vendeur inezvandezande.
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28 Avis reçus
21 éléments

Summary International Management (KUL)
Comprehensive summary of the course International Management taught by Professor Paul Verdin at the Catholic University of Leuven. This document includes all course materials to be known for the exam. More specifically, notes from the classes, the slides, related papers, and the course book are all merged together into a nice overview.

Grade obtained: 17/20
- Book
- Resume
- • 56 pages •
Comprehensive summary of the course International Management taught by Professor Paul Verdin at the Catholic University of Leuven. This document includes all course materials to be known for the exam. More specifically, notes from the classes, the slides, related papers, and the course book are all merged together into a nice overview.

Grade obtained: 17/20

Summary Architecture and Modelling of Management Information Systems (KUL)
Comprehensive summary of the course Architecture and Modelling of Management Information Systems (AMMIS) taught by Professor Monique Snoeck at the Catholic University of Leuven. This document includes all course materials from Chapter 1 until 3, which mainly is the bigger overall structure to get a clear overview of the course insights.

Grade obtained: 15/20
- Book
- Resume
- • 17 pages •
Comprehensive summary of the course Architecture and Modelling of Management Information Systems (AMMIS) taught by Professor Monique Snoeck at the Catholic University of Leuven. This document includes all course materials from Chapter 1 until 3, which mainly is the bigger overall structure to get a clear overview of the course insights.

Grade obtained: 15/20

Summary Business Process Management (KUL)
Comprehensive summary of the course Business Process Management (Part of Business Analysis) taught by Professor Jochen De Weerdt at the Catholic University of Leuven. This document includes all course materials to be known for the exam. More specifically, notes from the classes, the slides, and the course book are all merged together into a nice overview.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Resume
- • 39 pages •
Comprehensive summary of the course Business Process Management (Part of Business Analysis) taught by Professor Jochen De Weerdt at the Catholic University of Leuven. This document includes all course materials to be known for the exam. More specifically, notes from the classes, the slides, and the course book are all merged together into a nice overview.

Summary Enterprise Analysis (KUL)
Comprehensive summary of the course Enterprise Analysis (part of Business analysis) taught by Professor Jan Vanthienen at the Catholic University of Leuven. This document includes all course materials to be known for the exam. More specifically, notes from the classes and the corresponding slides all merged together into a nice overview.
- Package deal
- Resume
- • 47 pages •
Comprehensive summary of the course Enterprise Analysis (part of Business analysis) taught by Professor Jan Vanthienen at the Catholic University of Leuven. This document includes all course materials to be known for the exam. More specifically, notes from the classes and the corresponding slides all merged together into a nice overview.

Summary Innovation management and strategy (KUL)
Comprehensive summary of the course Innovation management and strategy taught by Professor Bart Van Looy at the Catholic University of Leuven. This document includes all course materials to be known for the exam. More specifically, notes from the classes, the slides, related papers, and the course book are all merged together into a nice overview.

Grade obtained: 16/20
- Book
- Resume
- • 35 pages •
Comprehensive summary of the course Innovation management and strategy taught by Professor Bart Van Looy at the Catholic University of Leuven. This document includes all course materials to be known for the exam. More specifically, notes from the classes, the slides, related papers, and the course book are all merged together into a nice overview.

Grade obtained: 16/20

Samenvatting organisatie van het productieproces
Samenvatting met alle leerstof die gekend dient te worden voor het vak Organisatie van het productieproces. Zowel notities uit de les als slides zitten hierin verwerkt!
- Book
- Resume
- • 43 pages •
Samenvatting met alle leerstof die gekend dient te worden voor het vak Organisatie van het productieproces. Zowel notities uit de les als slides zitten hierin verwerkt!

Summary strategic management
Mooi, uitgebreid overzicht van de leerstof behandeld in het vak strategisch (strategic) management. Alles wat gekend dient te worden, komt aan bod in deze samenvatting.
- Resume
- • 28 pages •
Mooi, uitgebreid overzicht van de leerstof behandeld in het vak strategisch (strategic) management. Alles wat gekend dient te worden, komt aan bod in deze samenvatting.

Samenvatting econometrie (deel 1)
Deze samenvatting bevat H1-H8. Zowel het boek, als slides, als notities vanuit de les zijn verwerkt in deze samenvatting.
- Book & Paket-Deal
- Resume
- • 21 pages •
Deze samenvatting bevat H1-H8. Zowel het boek, als slides, als notities vanuit de les zijn verwerkt in deze samenvatting.
Samenvatting econometrie (deel 1)
Summary Innovation management and strategy (KUL)
Summary Innovation management and strategy (KUL)
Summary Business Process Management (KUL)
Summary Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence (KUL)