Maine (UM)
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Études @ Maine (UM)
Notes disponibles pour les études suivantes sur Maine (UM)
Dernières notes et résumés Maine (UM)
When I get my guide license, I no longer have to purchase a hunting or fishing license in the state of Maine. - Answer-False 
What license(s) would I need to guide a client fishing for stripers on salt water? - Answer-USCG Captain's License - Tidewater Fishing 
Which license(s) would I need to guide day trips in sea kayaks on inland waters? - Answer-Recreational 
Which license(s) would I need to guide overnight trips in sea kayaks on the ocean? - Answer-Sea Kayaking 
What license(s) wou...
Lining - the use of ropes to work a boat downstream from the shore 
Non-power face - the face of the paddle blade opposite the power face 
Painter - a line attached to bow or stern of a boat 
Power face - the face of the paddle blade which bears against the water in a normal forward stroke (curved concave on fancy paddles) 
Rocker - the longitudinal curvature of the bottom at the center line of the hull at the keel; the less hull in the water the more responsive a boat is 
Throat ...
Keel - A projecting strip along the bottom of the canoe, on the outside, to cut down slide slipping. 
Haystacks - Large standing waves which accompany deceleration of a current 
Ledge - The exposed edge of a rock stratum which acts as a natural low dam, or as a series of such dams. 
Lining - The use of ropes to work a boat downstream from the shore. 
Non-power face - The face of the paddle blade, opposite the power face 
Painter - A line attached to bow or stern of a boat 
ANSWERS 2023/2024 .16 ft plus - ANS-must have one throwable except canoes, kakays and sups 
 vessels - ANS-must have means of efficient sounds signal for at least 2 seconds 
3.All-round white light - ANS-can be masthead and stern light on vessels less than 40 ft 
nate-leaf dogwood - ANS5.American basswood or linden - ANS-In Germany is called the bee tree because bees make a 
good grade of honey from the flowers. Also, the young fruit and flowers...
When I get my guide license, I no longer have to purchase a hunting or fishing license in the state of Maine. - False 
What license(s) would I need to guide a client fishing for stripers on salt water? - USCG Captain's License - Tidewater Fishing 
Which license(s) would I need to guide day trips in sea kayaks on inland waters? - Recreational 
Which license(s) would I need to guide overnight trips in sea kayaks on the ocean? - Sea Kayaking 
What license(s) would I need to guide Stand Up ...
Keel - A projecting strip along the bottom of the canoe, on the outside, to cut down slide slipping. 
Haystacks - Large standing waves which accompany deceleration of a current 
Ledge - The exposed edge of a rock stratum which acts as a natural low dam, or as a series of such dams. 
Lining - The use of ropes to work a boat down stream from the shore. 
Non-power face - The face of the paddle blade, opposite the power face 
Painter - A line attached to bow or stern of a boat 
Pitch - A...
How much alcohol does it take to make a boater intoxicated? - 1/3 of what takes a driver to be equally intoxicated. 
What percentage of Maine drowning victims were not wearing lifejackets? - 90% 
How is boat length measured? - From the tip of the bow to the back of the stern, excluding outboard motor. 
What defines a Class A boat? - Its length is less than 16 feet. 
What defines a class 1 boat? - It is at least 16 feet but less than 26 feet. 
What defines a class 2 boat? - It is at lea...
Maine Guides Test - Fish
Deer Firearm Season - Oct. 30 - Nov. 25 
Deer Archery Season - Sept. 28 - Oct. 27 
Deer Muzzleloader Season - Nov. 27 - Dec. 2 
Minimum deer antler length - 3 inches 
Deer Annual Limit - 1 deer 
Bear General Season - Aug. 28 - Nov. 25 
Bear hunting with dogs - Sept. 11 - Oct. 27 
Bear over bait - Aug. 28 - Sept. 23 
Bear bait placed - July 27 
Bear bait cleaned up - Nov. 10 
Spring General Turkey Season - Apr. 30 - June 2 
Fall General Turkey Season - Oct. 2 - Nov. 7 