Leadership - Guides d'étude, Notes de cours & Résumés
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ESB Exam One (GMETRIX) Questions and Answers 100% Certified
- Examen • 7 pages • 2023
- 13,76 €
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What is Entrepreneurship? 
A) Marketing and selling products. 
B) Setting up a business with the aim to make a profit. 
C) Acquiring leadership and managerial skills. 
D) Quickly advancing in positions within a corporation. B) Setting up a business with the 
aim to make a profit. 
You need to create a legal structure for your small business. You would like some of the benefits 
enjoyed by large corporations, but do not want to be taxed twice. You have four partners who 
will be shareholders. Non...

ESB Practice Test #3 Questions and Answers 2023
- Examen • 4 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- 15,19 €
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ESB Practice Test #3 Questions and Answers 2023 
A welding shop owner rents space in a building and need $5000 in supplies to complete a large project for a new customer. The bank has turned down a personal loan request. The welding shop owner does not want to share ownership of the business by selling equity shares to raise the funds needed for these supplies. What is the most practical source of funding for the materials needed to complete this customer's job? 
Asking for an advance payment...

ESB Test 1 Questions and Answers 2023
- Examen • 5 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- 12,34 €
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ESB Test 1 Questions and Answers 2023 
Ophelia runs a local seamstress business. Ophelia is losing customers to a competing business. Upon sending an employee over to check out the competition, Ophelia discovers the competitor's turnaround time is double her turnaround time. What should Ophelia's new marketing strategy be to woo back her customers? 
Gabe has worked as a journeyman electrician for an employer for the past 16 years. He is paid a good salary. His only dissatisfacti...

ESB Test 1 Questions with Verified Answers
- Examen • 5 pages • 2023
Disponible en pack
- 10,91 €
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Ophelia runs a local seamstress business. Ophelia is losing customers to a competing business. Upon sending an employee over to check out the competition, Ophelia discovers the competitor's turnaround time is double her turnaround time. What should Ophelia's new marketing strategy be to woo back her customers? - Answer- service 
Gabe has worked as a journeyman electrician for an employer for the past 16 years. He is paid a good salary. His only dissatisfaction is the hours are long and often...

- Examen • 30 pages • 2025
- 9,96 €
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"business intelligence (BI) - Correct Answer information collected from multiple sources such as suppliers, customers, competitors, partners, and industries that analyze patterns, trends, and relationship for strategic decision making" 
"analytics - Correct Answer the science of fact-based decision making" 
"internet of things - Correct Answer a world where interconnected, internet-enabled devices or "thi...

the power
- Resume • 2 pages • 2024
- 7,36 €
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es "48 Lois du Pouvoir" ("The 48 Laws of Power") est un ouvrage écrit par Robert Greene, publié en 1998. Ce livre est un guide sur l'acquisition et le maintien du pouvoir, basé sur des leçons tirées de l'histoire, de la philosophie et de la littérature. Greene y compile une série de lois intemporelles qui décrivent les stratégies et les comportements à adopter pour réussir dans un environnement compétitif et parfois impitoyable. 
Description du contenu 
Le livre se compose de...

ESB Exam One (GMETRIX) Questions and Answers 100% Certified
- Examen • 7 pages • 2023
- 13,76 €
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What is Entrepreneurship? 
A) Marketing and selling products. 
B) Setting up a business with the aim to make a profit. 
C) Acquiring leadership and managerial skills. 
D) Quickly advancing in positions within a corporation. B) Setting up a business with the 
aim to make a profit. 
You need to create a legal structure for your small business. You would like some of the benefits 
enjoyed by large corporations, but do not want to be taxed twice. You have four partners who 
will be shareholders. Non...

ESB Exam One (GMETRIX) Questions and Answers 100% Certified
- Examen • 7 pages • 2023
- 9,96 €
- + en savoir plus
What is Entrepreneurship? 
A) Marketing and selling products. 
B) Setting up a business with the aim to make a profit. 
C) Acquiring leadership and managerial skills. 
D) Quickly advancing in positions within a corporation. B) Setting up a business with the 
aim to make a profit. 
You need to create a legal structure for your small business. You would like some of the benefits 
enjoyed by large corporations, but do not want to be taxed twice. You have four partners who 
will be shareholders....

The different management styles and the vision of corporate culture by Rensis Likert
- Notes de cours • 2 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- 2,49 €
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We will delve into the four management styles identified by Likert: authoritarian-coercive management, benevolent-paternalistic management, consultative management, and participative management. Each style will be described in detail, with concrete examples and case studies to illustrate their application in various organizational contexts.

Les différents styles de management et la vision de la culture d’entreprise par Rensis Likert
- Notes de cours • 2 pages • 2024
- Disponible en pack
- 2,49 €
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Nous plongerons dans les quatre styles de management identifiés par Likert : le management autoritaire-coercitif, le management paternaliste-bénévole, le management consultatif et le management participatif. Chaque style sera décrit en détail, avec des exemples concrets et des études de cas pour illustrer leur application dans divers contextes organisationnels.

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