Future - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Future? Op deze pagina vind je 753 samenvattingen over Future.
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Summary The Complete Compendium of Clinical Psychology: Essential Overviews for the Examination
- Samenvatting • 39 pagina's • 2024
- €6,98
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
The "Clinical Psychology Overviews" document provides an indispensable wealth of information for anyone engaged in the clinical psychology PSBA2-22 profession. From the in-depth exploration of anxiety disorders to the nuances of mood disorders, from the complexities of psychosis to the intricacies of substance abuse, this document is a comprehensive overview indispensable for both beginners and advanced practitioners in the field. Within its pages you will find tables and overviews that system...
Masters Business Administration - Ethics and Future of Business Exam summary including all readings and lectures 
Exam grade: 9.7

Summary all articles risk behavior and addiction
- Samenvatting • 45 pagina's • 2023
- €10,49
- 14x verkocht
- + meer info
Extensive summary of all articles including: 
- A General Introduction to the Concept of Addiction and Addictive Effects - Sussman 
- Addiction, adolescence, and the integration of control and motivation - Gladwin 
- Cannabis use and the mental health of young people - Wayne D. Hall 
- Understanding the etiology of adolescent substance use through developmental perspectives - Trucco / Hartmann 
- Genetic influences on impulsivity, risk taking, stress responsivity and vulnerability to drug abus...

Understanding Prejudice: an interdisciplinary perspective on intergroup relations Articles Summary + additonal lecture notes
- Samenvatting • 61 pagina's • 2024
- €6,99
- 12x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of all articles from the course Understanding Prejudice + additional information from the lectures. 
Topic 1: Social Identity Theory 
• (*) Ellemers, N., & Haslam, S.A. (2012). Social identity theory. In: P. van Lange, A. Kruglanski, & T. 
Higgins (Eds.). Handbook of theories of social psychology (pp. 379-398). London: Sage. 
•Verkuyten, M. (2018). Chapter 3: Social identity. In: Verkuyten, M. The social psychology of ethnic 
identity (2nd ed.). Routlege. 
Morgana Lizzio-Wilson...

Rejecting minorities/Understanding prejudice samenvatting artikelen
- Samenvatting • 43 pagina's • 2023
- €6,29
- 30x verkocht
- + meer info
Ik heb een samenvatting gemaakt van alle artikelen die voor het vak in het jaar 2022/2023 opgegeven waren als tentamenstof. Vak is hernoemd naar Understanding Prejudice maar nog steeds hetzelfde vak, Samenvatting is gedetailleerd, heb er zelf destijds iets van een 8.5 mee gehaald 
Ellemers, N., & Haslam, S.A. (2012). Social identity theory 
Verkuyten, M. (2018). Chapter 3: Social identity 
Coser, L. (1956). The Functions of Social Conflict. 
Blumer, H. (1958). Race prejudice as a sense of grou...

Lecture notes and Reflection question bundle Ethics and the Future of Business(All you need for the exam)
- Voordeelbundel • 2 items • 2024
- €8,99
- 1x verkocht
- + meer info
In this summary bundle, you will find the lecture notes and the answers to all reflection questions of Ethics and the Future of Business. If you have read through the lecture slides once and learn the answers to these reflection questions and know them well before the exam, you will get a pass! (my grade is 8.5).

Essay European Integration and Democracy (Y)
- Essay • 7 pagina's • 2024
- €6,09
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
Final Essay, i got a 10: 
This essay will answer the following question: “To what extent do the proposals of the Conference on the Future of Europe outlined in its final report (2022) provide suitable recommendations to improve the democratic level of the EU in your opinion?” This essay will review several literary sources on the democratic deficit and the nomination of the presidency for the European Commission (further mentioned as ‘the Commission’).

Ethics and the Future of Business | Summary of Sessions and Articles
- Samenvatting • 70 pagina's • 2024
- €8,56
- + meer info
The document contains full summary of sessions and articles. In addition, it includes reflection questions shared by. the professor & answers. On top I've added summary of removed articles in case they're back this year. This is all I've used for my exam, and I got a 9 in the end.
Elaborate lecture summary for Ethics and the Future of Business with additional definitions and explanations

Samenvatting The Conversational Interface: Talking to Smart Devices (+ extra artikelen Conversational Interfaces)
- Samenvatting • 49 pagina's • 2024
- €6,68
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
Dit document omvat een samenvatting van het volgende boek: 
- The Conversational Interface: Talking to Smart 
Devices (McTear et al., 2016): H1 t/m H4, H10, H12, H14 & H18 
.... en een volledige samenvatting van de volgende 8 artikelen: 
- Brandtzaeg, P. B., & Følstad, A. (2017). Why people use chatbots. In International conference on internet science (pp. 377-392). Springer, Cham. 
- Lentz, L., & Maat, H. P. (2004). Functional Analysis for Document Design. Technical Communication, 51(3), 387...

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