Literacy - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Literacy? Op deze pagina vind je 134 samenvattingen over Literacy.
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3.6C project 4 - creativiteit samenvatting
- Samenvatting • 15 pagina's • 2024
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- €5,49
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Dit document bevat een volledige samenvatting van project 4 (creativiteit) van 3.6C 21st century education. Het bevat de verplichte artikelen samen met de zelf gekozen artikelen (deze zouden in een ander jaar weer anders kunnen zijn, je moet controleren of deze overeenkomen!). 
LET OP: deze samenvatting is gemaakt voor een internationaal vak, maar wel in het Nederlands geschreven!

CM2001 Summary - International and Global Communication @EUR
- Samenvatting • 46 pagina's • 2022
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- €6,19
- 5x verkocht
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This document includes a concise summary of the material studied during the course International and Global Communication (CM2001). This includes the lectures from week 1 to 8 and the following articles: 
Francis Fukuyama - The End of History?; Samuel T. Huntington - The Clash of Civilizations?; Brian David Johnson - Science Fiction Prototypes Or: How I learned to stop worrying about the future and love science fiction; Renee Hobbs - Propaganda in an Age of Algorithmic Personalization - Expandin...

Test Bank for Maternal Child Nursing Care 3rd CANADIAN Edition Keenan Lindsay Chapter 1 - 55 Updated GRADED A+ (VERIFIED)
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 844 pagina's • 2025
- €21,85
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Test Bank for Maternal Child Nursing Care 3rd CANADIAN Edition Keenan Lindsay Chapter 1 - 55 Updated 2023(VERIFIED) Chapter 01: Contemporary Perinatal and Pediatric Nursing in Canada Perry: Maternal Child Care Nursing in Canada, 2nd Canadian Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which is true regarding perinatal nurses? a. They provide care for only mothers and babies. b. They require advanced practice education beyond an entry to practice degree. c. They work with women and families from preconception thr...

Introduction to Communication Science - Summary for partial exam 2
- Samenvatting • 55 pagina's • 2024
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- €7,94
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In this document you will find all the necessary literature for the second ICS partial exam summarized. On top of that, I've added my lecture notes from all lectures, and the literature questions to help you remember what's important. It might seem like a large summary, but that's because it contains a lot of helpful comments on the theory to help you understand besides just memorising it. Good luck with the exam!

Delta Sigma Theta Facts Study Guide With Accurate Verified Answers.
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 7 pagina's • 2024
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- €12,35
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What was the date DST was founded? - correct answer January 13, 1913 
Where was it founded? And by who? - correct answer It was founded at Howard University by 22 women who were former AKA's 
Why did the founders of DST leave AKA? - correct answer - They thought that AKA was too much of a social organization and weren't interested in the principles an...
Notes of 9 Resistance & Persuasion lectures with a summary of the corresponding reading materials

Verplichte literatuur Hoorcolleges Political Philosophy and Democracy
- Voordeelbundel • 2 items • 2022
- €28,99
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
Complete en duidelijke samenvatting van alle verplichte literatuur en alle hoorcolleges van het vak Political Philosophy and Democracy.

Academisch en juridisch Engels Tom Vandecasteele intermediate test 1
- Samenvatting • 18 pagina's • 2024
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €5,96
- 3x verkocht
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Samenvatting voor intermediate test 1 van prof Vandecasteele. Ik was er van de eerste keer door en heb enkel van deze samenvatting geleerd. 
De samenvatting bevat alle grammatica die we hebben gezien in de lessen, een (chronologische) opsomming van de belangrijkste punten uit de te kennen teksten en een link voor de voc op studygo. Deze informatie is ook te kennen voor de final test.

Samenvatting Student Diversity (PAMAOWL07)
- Samenvatting • 48 pagina's • 2023
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- €7,49
- 1x verkocht
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Student Diversity. 
22 samengevatte artikelen, waaronder: 
Phonological processing and word reading in typically developing and learning disabled children: severity matters. 
The association between morphological awareness and literacy in English language learners from different language backgrounds. 
Early foundations for mathematics learning and their relations to learning disabilities. 
The phonological loop as a buffer store: An update
Inleiding/introductie communicatiewetenschap. Radboud Universiteit. Cijfer: 7,7

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