Biomedical science - Samenvattingen en Aantekeningen
Op zoek naar een samenvatting over Biomedical science? Op deze pagina vind je 229 samenvattingen over Biomedical science.
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Summary of lectures Integrated Biomedical Sciences (AM_1281)
- College aantekeningen • 56 pagina's • 2024 Populair
- €6,50
- 5x verkocht
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Summary and notes of the lectures of intergrated Biomedical sciences of the master biomedical sciences at the VU. The summary contains important images from lectures and notes.

Summary Integrated Biomedical Sciences master Biomedical Sciences VU
- Samenvatting • 34 pagina's • 2024
- €6,68
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
This is a summary of the lectures given during the course of Integrated Biomedical Sciences (AM_1281). This is everything you need to study for the exam.

Immunotherapy and Immune Monitoring Lecture Notes - MSc Biomedical Sciences
- College aantekeningen • 69 pagina's • 2024
- €12,08
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
These are my lecture notes except the pre recorded lecture about Monitoring by multiplexed IHC! Hope it helps. Goodluck with studying :)

SUMMARY Molecular infection biology (AM_470657); Master Biomedical Sciences; year 1/2; VU Amsterdam
- Samenvatting • 76 pagina's • 2024
Ook in voordeelbundel
- €6,69
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
In this document, I have converted all the lectures provided during the course 'Molecular Infection Biology (AM_470657)' at the VU (study biomedical sciences). In addition to the lectures, it also contains a summary of my notes and additional information when needed. Good luck studying!
Lecture notes, containing everything discussed during each of the lectures. It includes the powerpoint slides and explanations of images.

summary of Philisophy of science and ethics, second year biomedical sciences
- Samenvatting • 17 pagina's • 2023
- €6,49
- 7x verkocht
- + meer info
This is a summary of the lectures from philosphy of science and ethics. The second year course of biomedical sciences. The summary contains all 8 lectures.

summary pathology 2nd year biomedical sciences part 2
- Samenvatting • 14 pagina's • 2023
- €6,49
- 5x verkocht
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This is an English summary of pathology partial exam 2, given in second year biomedical sciences at vrije universiteit Amsterdam. My combined grade was 8 (1st exam 8.3, 2nd exam 7.7). The summary is based on lecture notes made in 2023.

Samenvatting Molecular Biology of the Cell (5234MOBC6Y) - Master Biomedical Sciences (2022-2023)
- Samenvatting • 95 pagina's • 2023
- €8,99
- 14x verkocht
- + meer info
Uitgebreide samenvatting (Engels, 95 blz.) van alle hoorcolleges Molecular Biology of the Cell ter voorbereiding op het tentamen. Dit is het eerste vak van leerjaar 1 - Master Biomedical Sciences aan de UvA (verplicht vak voor alle tracks). Belangrijke concepten en begrippen zijn beschreven en gekoppeld aan alle figuren uit de powerpoints. Er is gebruikgemaakt van dikgedrukte woorden & gekleurde tekst om belangrijke begrippen en concepten te arceren. Daarnaast is extra informatie verkregen van e...

summary of pathophysiology of the heart and circulatory system, 2nd year biomedical sciences course
- Samenvatting • 15 pagina's • 2023
- €6,49
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
summary of the above mentioned course, 2nd year of biomedical sciences. I got a 7.6 using this summary of the lecture notes.

Neurogenetics Summary
- Samenvatting • 205 pagina's • 2024
- €16,69
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
Neurogenetics Summary - 1st Master of Biomedical Science 
This detailed summary for the Neurogenetics course, taught by Rosa Rademaekers, is based on the 10 lessons of the course. The exam includes long and short questions based on the take-home messages listed at the end of every chapter. These take-home messages are thoroughly explained and easy to find in this summary. It combines information from the professors’ PowerPoint slides and lecture notes. While very comprehensive, not everything ...

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